Build a unique local form to receive registrations, or add your own questions to a Superform. Each form can be customised with it's own questions and has it's own URL which allows for a link directly to your form to be shared on other platforms including Facebook or Email. As well, each form can be displayed on your Sporty site for people to register directly to it. When someone registers they are automatically added to the forms online database.
If you have been provided an Official Registration form (a Superform) for your sport, you do not need to build your own form from scratch, you must use this as this form automatically updates the national database for the relevant sports code.
In this article:
- Build (create) a new Form
- Edit a Form
- Form Settings
- Adding Questions
- Adding a New Section
- Adding a Condition
- Note: Prevent registering the same person twice
To manage your forms, go to your Dashboard and click the Online Registrations tile.
Build (Create) a new Form
To build a new form, click on +Build New Form.
Please continue following the below steps under Form Settings.
Edit a Form
To edit an existing form (either a local form you may have created earlier, or a Superform created by a national sports organisation for you), click the pencil icon to the right of the form.
Please continue following the below steps under Form Settings.
Form Settings
You will then be directed to the form builder/form editor view where you will...
1. Enter the name of your form in the Form Name field.
Note: Do not type the year in the name of your form. The year will be displayed in the form name automatically if you set a year in the form settings below.
- If the form relates to a particular year or season, select it from the Season dropdown list.
- If the form relates to a particular sport, select it from the Sport dropdown list.
- If you expect to organise the people that register into teams/groups with grades/divisions and use TeamBuilder, either click the Add Grades button and create the grades for your form, or if you already have grades created select the grades from your existing grade list. [Note: for the form to appear in TeamBuilder you must untick the Advanced Option setting Hide from TeamBuilder as explained in the section below.]
- Your email address will automatically be populated into the From Email field. When people complete the form, they'll receive a confirmation email (unless this option has been turned off in the Advanced Options area). If someone replies to that confirmation email, their reply will go to whatever From Email address you set here.
2. Click the Advanced Options button to decide whether you want to change any system defaults.
Advanced Options:
Here are the advanced options that you can apply to your form.
1. Email a copy to the registrant - This sends a confirmation email that is a copy of the completed form to the person once they have submitted the form. Ticked on by default
2. Withhold personal details from confirmation email - When checked on, the above email will not include the person details nor the contents of their registration (merely confirm that their registration has been successful).
3. Include form in mobile app and profile - This includes the form within the list of forms visible under the Register icon for anyone using your Sporty mobile app. Enable this if you want people to view and register to the form via the mobile app.
4. Show Timestamp - This adds a timestamp to registrations. The timestamps will be displayed on the registration form, the form database and on the export. Ticked on by default
5. Allow registrant to edit registration later - This automatically adds to the confirmation email a unique link (URL) back to the completed form, allowing people to click the link from this confirmation email to return to their completed form and update their details/answers at a later stage. Ticked on by default
6. Enable family registrations - Allows multiple registrations to be made against the form at once. These registrations will be grouped together. See this support article for more information.
7. Allow PhotoCard digital IDs - If you subscribe to PhotoCard digital IDs, then a PhotoCard will automatically be created for everyone who completes the form. You can manage this setting for each person in your database view. See this support article for more information.
8. Show attendance questions as calendar - Enables a calendar to be displayed to select attendance dates from.
9. Allow form to auto-fill with known details - Enables a banner at the top of the registration form. When displayed, people can automatically fill the form using previous registration information by entering their SP reference number from the previous registration and their Date of Birth. See this support article for more information.
10. Limit maximum amount of registrations - Set a maximum number of registrations for the form. Users will see a message when they try to enter a registration after the limit has been reached.
11. Create links for people to register directly to a team - Generates a link which allows players to register directly to existing teams. See this support article for more information.
12. Exclude records from this form from CRM - If you subscribe to the SuperCRM, you may not want to include all registrants of the form in your SuperCRM. By ticking this field excludes those records from appearing in the CRM.
13. Resend confirmation email if registration updated - When enabled, an up to date copy of the registration confirmation email to be sent out if a form is modified by an administrator (Titled "Form Updated")
14. Prevent registering the same person twice - If enabled, this will allow the form to check for duplicates as people are registering to the form. It will notify the registrant as they are registering, that they appear to be a duplicate (if specific known details are matched).
15. Hide from TeamBuilder - Ticked on by default. When ticked on, the form will not appear on the TeamBuilder landing page (for Competition Organisers and Clubs/Schools) and therefore will not be usable for creating competitions. If unticked, the form will only appear on TeamBuilder landing page if the form has a sport, season and grades are added to the form.
16. Email copy of registration confirmation - If you also want to receive a copy of the confirmation email whenever someone completes the online form, enter your email address here. You can enter multiple email addresses, and each will receive a copy of the registration confirmation email.
17. Start date - If you wish to prevent people from completing the form before a specified date, set the date here using the date-picker.
18. Final date for entries - If you wish to prevent people from completing the form after a specified date, set the date here using the date-picker. Note, if a person has a direct link to the form, even if the form is not displayed on the organisations website. they will be able to register if a final date has not been set.
19. Minimum notice period for cancellation (hours) - if you want to prevent people from cancelling within a certain period before the event is to take place, enter the notice period.
20. Minimum notice period for attendance (hours) - if you want to prevent people from registering to attend the event within a certain time frame, enter the notice period.
21. Linked form - If another form already exists for the next year/season you can link your form to that form. This linkage is used when you wish to roll people's records forward from one database to another, or when you use the bulk invitation to re-register facility - see this support article. Note that this linkage is set automatically for the official forms from sports codes governing bodies.
22. Confirmation Email Subject - Here you can enter a specific confirmation email subject that will be included in the email when a registrant submits the form. Please note that if this has been set by your national body on a Superform, anything that you enter into this field will appear positioned underneath, or secondary to what was set at the national level.
23. Confirmation Email Content - This is where you can add text that will sit above the introductory text in confirmation emails. This can be where you add messages, for example, to thank players for registering or instructions that need to be read after completing a registration. This is only visible to the registrant in their confirmation email. To make this email content personalised, use merge fields to pull specific information from the registrants submission into the text.
24. Send an alternative confirmation email for administrators - this is a checkbox field, that if enabled by ticking the box, an email that includes different message noted above the registration details will be sent to the form administrator. A field will appear below when enabled for you to enter the message into.
24. Confirmation Email Content Sent to Admin - When a registration is complete and Email copy of registration confirmation is enabled the form admin will receive a copy. You can update this field to send a specific message to administrators. To make this email content personalised, use merge fields to pull specific information from the registrants submission into the text. This may include key information fields that you do not want your administrators to miss.
** Share form with - This option will only appear if it has been enabled by Sporty for your organisation. If available, you can enter the name of a (single) organisation you wish to share the form information with. This will include information of anyone who registers to the form. See this support article for more information.
Note: If you have inherited a Superform (an official registration form) from your governing sports body, you are unable to modify some of these advanced options.
3. Set the introductory text that will display at the top of your form in the Intro Text area.
This commonly includes the purpose of your form and any key information that people are likely to need such as important dates, pricing, or instructions. You can include links to documents or other pages from within this text area.
4. In the Terms and Conditions text area, outline any terms and conditions necessary.
This will usually contain information such as privacy policy and adhering to the organisation code of conduct. You can include links to a document or a page on your website. When information entered into the Terms and Conditions area, it will automatically introduce a mandatory check box at the bottom of the form that must be ticked before the form can be submitted.
Here is an example of what the Terms & Conditions would look like when a registrant fills out the form:
Adding Questions
Scroll to the area where you can add questions. You will see the fields First Name, Last Name and Email address. These 3 fields are mandatory fields that must appear on every form and cannot be deleted. There is the ability to change their display name on the form e.g., First Name could have the display name of Student's First Name.
Questions fields such as first name, last name, date of birth and preferred name are used for person matching. Person matching aims to recognise when a contact has registered using slightly different details but is actually the same person. If there is a match, rather than creating a new person profile in your database, all associated registration forms will be stored under the one correct matched contact. See this article here for further information around person matching.
IMPORTANT: Sporty includes a number of official registration forms eg. for NZ Football, Touch NZ, NZ Rugby League, Softball NZ and Netball NZ. These official forms will be visible to you when you login to Sporty and go to your Online Registrations area.
If you wish to take registrations or renewals for any sports code that has an official form, you need to use the official form instead of creating your own form. You can add your own question fields and text to the official forms to customise them to meet your own needs.
Data submitted on the official forms is automatically shared with the governing body to meet their mandatory reporting requirements, but data relating to your own custom fields is not shared and remains private to your organisation.
1. To add questions, click + Add Question or if you would like to add the question to a completely different section, click on + Add New Section.
2. When you click + Add Question, you can then select your question type. Please see this article for an explanation of the different question types.
There are two field types:
- System Fields - these are preset fields. E.g., Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Address, Gender and plenty more. You can update the label of the system field. For example Date of Birth can be renamed to Student Date of Birth. It is important to use the field name for the intended purpose.
- Custom Fields - this is a question that you can create completely anew. E.g., Who is your sports idol?
System Fields
When you select System field (use this first), you are presented with a drop down of options. These are;
- First Name & Last Name: cannot be changed once entered - locked.
- Maiden Name
- Date of Birth: cannot be changed once entered - locked.
- Gender
- Ethnicity (1 & 2)
- Ethnicity Selections (1 & 2)
- Profile Picture
- Address
- Postal Address
- Phone (1 & 2)
- Parent/Caregiver First & Last Name (1 & 2)
- Parent/Caregiver Phone (1 & 2)
- Parent/Caregiver Email (1 & 2)
- Parent/Caregiver Address (1 & 2)
- Next of Kin First Name & Last Name
- Next of Kin Phone
- Next of Kin Email
- Job Title
- Preferred Name: A field where the registrant can enter an alternative name that they are known by, or that they prefer to be called. E.g. First name may be Rachel, but Preferred name may be Sandy. See this note for further information on this field.
- Country of Birth
- Drivers Licence: A specific field where the user must enter 2 letters, followed by 6 numbers. The NZ driver licence format.
- Grade & Team List: if these fields have been configured, then drop-down options will display with the associated grades and teams.
- Registration Role: If your organisation is using a Superform, the Registration Role field can be displayed on the form.
- Medical Details: This form is typically used by the Attendance field. Information entered into this field will be brought through into the attendance modal when viewing an attendees details.
- School: Student ID
- School: ID
- School: Enrolment Date
- School: Year Level
- School: Tutor/Form Class
- School: Leaving Date
Please see this support article here for further information on KAMAR fields and functionality.
Custom Fields
When you select Custom field (use with care), you are presented with the following options.
- SingleLineText: provides a space for a short text answer (short sentence/word).
- MultiLineText: provides a space for a longer text answer (long sentence/paragraph).
- SingleChoice: displays a drop-down list of options set up for the user to select only one option.
- MultiChoice: displays a drop-down list of options set up for the user to select one or more options.
- YesNo: your question warrants a yes or no answer.
- DateOfBirth: the question requests a date of birth to be entered.
- Date: field for a date in the future to be entered.
- Address: field for an address to be entered.
- Email: requests an email address to be entered.
- Gender: field the user to enter a gender. The option to include non-binary is available.
- Document: a field that allows for a document to be uploaded/attached.
- DisplayText: a field that allows for the text entered to be displayed as text with no space to enter an answer.
- DisplayImage: an image field for the user to upload an image to use as their display image/profile photo.
- Checkbox: adds a checkbox beside your question that the user can 'tick'.
- AdditionalPhotos: a field that allows for the user to upload an additional photo that is different to the DisplayImage.
- Attendance: this field is used for the user to select which event they can attend from the options listed. Please see this support article for further information.
- Additional Authorised Person: if you for example run a children's programme, you may want to include this field to note people other than the parents/caregivers that are authorised to pick the child up from the programme.
- Time: a number field for hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to be entered using the format of hh:mm:ss:xxx. Hours and milliseconds are optional.
- Distance/Height: a number field for whole and decimal numbers up to three decimal places to be entered.
- Individual Event: any grades set up within TeamBuilder Grade Attributes that have been identified as an Individual Event will appear in this field automatically if this field is added to the form.
3. When you have added your question, you can set it to either Required, Admin Only or Read Only.
- Required
You can set any additional fields to be mandatory by ticking the Required checkbox.
- Admin Only
By ticking the Admin Only checkbox, the field is not visible to the person completing the form. This lets you record additional fields of information for a registrant that are only visible to you as an administrator. You can edit their record once they have registered and add information into the field.
If the Admin Only field has been turned on from your governing body, you will be unable to turn this off. You do have the ability to turn on Admin Only for other fields.
For example, you may have a field for recording whether the registrants membership is on hold or not, but you do not want the registrant to view this field. Select Admin Only which will only make this field visible and editable to the administrator.
Note: You cannot have both Required and Admin Only ticked on at the same time as the registrant will not be able to submit their registration.
- Read Only
By ticking Read Only, the field is only visible to the registrant. They cannot edit the field, but they can view the value of the question field.
For example, you may have a membership number field that is only populated by the club administrator. You want the registrant to be able to view their membership number but you do not want the registrant to be able to make changes to it, so you set the field as Read Only.
When a new registrant, or a registrant that has been invited back to re-register completes the form, the field will not display. The club administrator will add the membership number to the members registration form which will then make the number visible to the registrant in a grey font colour which means this field is not able to be edited as it is read only.
Specifically for the Attendance Field question type (custom field)
- Auto-select
By ticking Auto-select, any time a person opens the registration form this field (or fields) will be automatically selected.
Ticking both Admin Only and Auto-select will hide the question from public view, however will display the person in the attendance modal if attendance is being tracked.
For further information on Attendance Tracking, click here.
4. You can re-order the questions on your form by clicking the drag handle icon (four arrows) and dragging the question above or below certain fields. When you have found where you want it to be placed, drop by letting go of the mouse button.
Adding a New Section
1. If you want to add a question on a separate section, click on + Add New Section.
2. You can add a header title to the section if needed. Otherwise, this can be left blank.
3. Tick the Expand checkbox to show the fields on your form in an expanded view or leave it unticked for it to be collapsed. This provides you with the option to compress a lot of information into a small space that users can visually scan in a quick way.
Expanded View of the registration form (displays all the details on your form).
Collapsed view of the registration form (displays a summary of your form).
4. Tick Requires answer if you want the registrant to have to complete at least one answer in this section to be able to submit the form.
If you have specific questions in the section that you have ticked to be Required questions, then you do not need to tick Requires answer as this will be performing the same action. Please select one or the other.
5. After adding the section, click on + Add Question or if you would like this section to only display if a condition is met, click on + Add Condition.
6. You can delete sections or questions by clicking the trash can icon at the top of the section you wish to delete, or beside a question you wish to delete.
7. Once you are happy with your form, click Save Form.
Note that you should also do this if you intend leaving your computer for a prolonged period during the process of building a form, in case you become logged out over time and your changes become lost.
8. When you save a form, you must select a folder to save the form to, or create a new folder.
9. Your new form, or edited form will now appear in the selected folder in the Online Registrations area.
To display your form, you can use the Online Form widget within the Sporty Website Builder, or use the form's address (URL) to display a link to the form on Facebook or via email.
For more information please see:
You can add products to the bottom of the form to record payments owed and also accept online payments. For more information please see:
To test your form, please see this support article
Add a Condition
Adding a condition is an advanced feature and should be used with caution. This is used when you want a specific section to only display if a condition is met, e.g., a Parent/Guardian section which only comes up when the registrant is under age of, or a Medical Condition section that comes up when the registrants answer Yes to having allergies or medical conditions (as shown below).
For further information on conditional fields, click here.
1. To do this, after you have added the section, click on + Add Condition.
2. You then choose the question the condition is going to be based on. Clicking on this will bring up the list of questions you have already added to the form so before adding the condition, make sure you have already added this question on a preceding section.
3. Select whether you want the registrant's answer to be either:
- Is Equal To - exactly the same as the value that you are going to add in the compare value field.
- Contains - contains the characters that you are going to add in the compare value field.
- Is Under Age Of - the Date of Birth entered in the form indicates that the registrant is under the age specified (the Date of Birth system field would have had to be added for this condition to work).
4. Fill in the compare value field, and beside it, slide the button to select whether you would like to SHOW or HIDE the section if the condition is met. In this case, the section is set to SHOW if the registrant has answered Yes to the question selected.
5. After you have set the condition, proceed to adding a question. Here's a sample of what a conditional section would look like:
Note: Prevent registering the same person twice
To help to prevent duplicate registrations, ensure that Prevent registering the same person twice has been enabled. This will allow the system to check the database for registrations already taken with enough similar details matching.
If you are using a Superform, Prevent registering the same person twice can only be enabled by Sporty. If you cannot see the option available under Advanced Options, you are using a Superform.
On your form under Advanced Options, you can enable for your form to prevent the same person registering twice.
If the system recognises that there is a registrant already entered with the same or similar details then they will receive the below message. If Continue is clicked, they will then receive the next message shown below.
The registrant will receive the following message. Please note that the registrant will still be able to continue to complete and submit the registration form, these messages are to notify the registrant only.
Note: Preferred Name
The Preferred Name system field can be added to a form to request additional information that can help with person matching. This field can be updated after the initial value has been entered.
If a club updates this field on behalf of the person, this change will only be visible to the club.
If an association or centre updates this field on behalf of the person, this change will be visible to the association/centre as well as the club below.
See the below example on how this field acts.
The purpose of this field is to prevent duplicate profiles from being populated by assisting in the person matching process. This field also allows for CRM admins to search on the person by their preferred name as some people use their preferred name rather than their actual first name regularly.
Janice Sutherland has registered to the Kick IT Registration form and is populated in the CRM as contact Janice (Jane) Sutherland. Janice had entered Jane as her preferred name.
The CRM display of Janice's contact is as shown below.
Janice's Registration tab appears as shown below with the single Kick IT Registration form attached.
Janice then registers to the Kick IT Prizegiving form using Jane as her first name rather than Janice. This updates her recorded first name as Jane.
As the CRM has recognised that these are the same person, both registrations can now be found under Jane Sutherland's Registrations tab. You will notice that her name in this view has now been updated as the most recent registration had Jane as the first name value.
Note: Merge Fields
Merge fields can be included into any part of a sentence, or as standalone text when entering email content into an online form.
Please copy the below merge field {Example} that you want to include from the below list, and paste it into the space required in your email content.
Form Name {Form Name}
Organisation Name {Organisation Name}
First Name {First Name}
Last Name {Last Name}
Preferred Name {Preferred Name}
Email {Email}
Date of Birth {Date of Birth}
Gender {Gender}
Ethnicity {Ethnicity}
Secondary Ethnicity {Secondary Ethnicity}
Event {Event}
Merge fields can also pick up information that has been added to the form by using the field name exactly as it is noted.
For example you set up a new question using the SingleLine Text field type and call it "Which club did you play for before joining us". You can use this question as a merge field by entering {Which club did you play for before joining us}
If you are a part of MotorSport, you can use these additional fields listed below...
MSNZ Event Name {MSNZ Event Name}
MSNZ Vehicle Logbook Number {MSNZ Vehicle Logbook Number}
MSNZ Vehicle Make {MSNZ Vehicle Make}
MSNZ Vehicle Model {MSNZ Vehicle Model}