Note: For advanced users only.
A conditional field is a field that is hidden from the registrants view by default. Then dependent on their response to a question other fields are displayed. For example, many registration forms have additional Parent/Guardian details displayed conditional on the Date of Birth where if a DOB under 18yrs is entered, the mandatory Parent/Guardian fields are displayed.
There is the ability to add multiple conditional fields on a registration form, here are the steps:
1. Edit/build the form and add a new Section
2. Add questions to the new Section that are to be answered if the condition is met
3. Click Add Condition
4. Select the question from the section you want to set the condition on
5. Change the condition to SHOW
6. Save the form
7. Test the form to confirm the condition has been set correctly.
In the example below, there is a Yes/No question Do you have any allergies?
The condition is set so that if the answer is Yes, an additional question will be displayed asking Please provide details of your allergies.
Note: The condition must be set in a separate section to the question.
Types of Conditional fields:
Sporty offers 4 types of conditional checks. They will each check for a different type of response from the registrant. The default conditional check is the "Is Equal To" check we saw above. If you wish to change to the other options, simply click the Is Equal To box. This will open a dropdown menu, allowing you to choose your desired conditional.
Below is a quick explanation of what each conditional check is for and an example of how they can be used.
Is Equal To
These conditionals are checking for an exact match.
The section will display only when the Senior A Team is chosen
These conditionals will check for answers where the condition is anywhere in the answer provided.
The section will display if the Senior A or B teams are chosen as both contain "Senior"
Is Under Age of
This conditional will check the registrant's Date of Birth against the current day. This check will be made on the day the registrant completes the form. So, if the form is reviewed 1 year later, their age will be considered the same as when they first registered.
The section will display if the registrant enters a date of birth making them younger than 18 years old
Is Equal to Any of
This conditional will accept any of the selected answers. So long as one answer matches, the condition will be considered met (even if the others do not match).
The section will display if the Senior A Team, Junior A Team, or Open Team are chosen