Sporty TeamBuilder provides a method for creating teams for competitions and entering and managing people into those teams. TeamBuilder is used by most team sports in New Zealand as the method for clubs/schools to enter teams into competitions, and to put players into those teams.
Access TeamBuilder via your Dashboard then clicking the TeamBuilder tile. You can perform all TeamBuilder actions from desktop, tablet or mobile.
In TeamBuilder you can view all teams and players that have been entered into a competition you run, and assist your club and school administrators to perform their required tasks.
- Create your Competition
- Competition Filters
- Manage Grades
- Opening Teambuilder
- Teambuilder display features
Create your Competition
The starting point is to create your competition in SKED. This will create a Team Entry Form.
As a competition administrator, you can decide if you want to use Team Entry Forms to capture team entries into your competitions, or if you just want to capture a team name and have teams register directly to the participant database. Typically, Team Entry forms are used if you are using Sporty for your National participant database and are using Superforms.
Contact if you want to use Team Entry forms and these are not yet enabled for you.
When using Team Entry Forms
When using Team Entry Forms, you can select which clubs or schools can enter teams, and which grades are offered for each competition, tournament or event you run. The clubs and schools that contribute teams to these competitions, tournaments or events will only see the competitions and grades that you decide they should see in TeamBuilder.
When competitions are created you will see the number listed beside the player form. If teams have been entered into a competition, the number of teams will display for each team entry form and you can click to expand to quickly view the teams entered, and then click into individual teams.
Alternatively, click the competition name to open TeamBuilder for the competition.
To set up Team Entry forms, please refer to this support article.
When Teams register directly
If you see text that states 0 teams or another number of teams next to the TeamBuilder database, like the image below, your TeamBuilder is configured so your clubs and schools, can enter teams directly against their TeamBuilder database. When creating a competition in SKED, you decide which competition each team will be entered into based on the team's grade.
A club or school will click the Database name to create teams, add players to teams and more. As a competition administrator, you can also click into the database to view all teams that have been entered by your associated clubs or schools.
View for Team Admins/Team Managers
If a person is ONLY a Team Admin/Team Manager they will only be able to view and click to open their team from TeamBuilder.
Manage Grades
In order for your grades to become available for use in TeamBuilder for clubs and schools to enter teams into, you need to first confirm the grades you want to make available each season. You can do this by clicking the Settings cog next to your database. In this area, you can also manage your grade characteristics for the season (eg Closing Dates).
For further info on managing grades please refer to this support article.
Opening TeamBuilder
TeamBuilder displays a list of the people registered into the database on the left. It also displays a list of grades on the right that shows any teams that have been entered.
Your clubs and schools add teams to the grades by clicking to expand the grade, and then clicking Add Team. If you need to add a team on behalf of a Club or School, you should do this from SKED. If you need to add a social team that belongs directly to your association (e.g. a touch team entering a module), you can do this from either TeamBuilder or SKED.
For more detailed instructions on how to add a team to a grade click here.
If you want to help your Clubs and Schools assign players to teams, you first need to select a club to load their participant database.
You can then move players from the list of the left to a team on the right. These actions will also be reflected at the Club or School in their version of TeamBuilder.
For instructions on adding players to a team see this support article.
TeamBuilder display features
- The drag-handle
The TeamBuilder screen is divided by a black bar that has a drag-handle placed in the middle. Click the drag-handle and move it to the left or the right to allow for more visibility of player information, or of teams. If you are on a mobile, you will move this drag-handle up or down.
- Grouping registrants: 'Not in a team' vs. 'In a team'
TeamBuilder keeps track of the number of people in a team and not in a team, so you can easily find people to add to your teams and make sure all participants are assigned to teams. These are both ticked on by default when TeamBuilder is first entered. To change your view, untick one or the other.
- Display variation depending on sport
a) If your sporting code requires people to be made active before they should participate, they will be displayed in red instead of black.
b) TeamBuilder displays people that are marked as inactive or transferred in grey italics to indicate the person is no longer identified as an active participant at your club or school.
c) If your sporting code allows your participants to be registered to multiple teams concurrently within a season, they will be displayed in italics.
d) By default, TeamBuilder will display 'Team entry cut-off' (final date for team to be entered or modified), and a 'Player selection cut-off' (final date for players to be able to be moved into/out of a team). These dates are set by your competition administrator. You are unable to add or edit teams after the 'Team entry cut-off' date, and will be unable to add players to a squad for game day team selection if the Player selection cut-off date has passed.
When people are placed into teams, if they are a player, a coloured circle will appear around the team, with the number of players in the team displayed. If the colour of the circle is red, there are compliance requirements identified that you may need to resolve for the team to be eligible for the competition.
People with compliance issues will display with a red ! when you open the team.
Compliance checks could be for a variety of reasons depending on your sport and competition organiser:
- your competition administrator requires a minimum number of coaches or players to be entered for the team.
- a person needs their registration to be approved.
- a person needs their ID to be checked for police vetting before they can be approved.
- a person needs more details to be entered on their registration form (they have bypassed mandatory fields).