Click the magnifying glass beside a competition in TeamBuilder to allow the user to view the teams database showing all the teams that have entered into the competition.
1. + Add New: Enter a new team to the competition.
2. Save All: Save all changes made to team entries on this page.
3. Export: Export a .CSV file of all team entries for this competition.
4. View: View all team entries and answers to each question on the team entry form.
5 to 8 are the filtering options available
5. Status: To view only those with a specific status type, click the drop-down to change the view displayed from ALL to a specific selected status type. Status types available are: ALL, Pending, Active, Inactive, Retired, TransferPending, TransferDeclined, Trandferred & PaymentFailed.
6. Sort Order: Sort the displayed results by either Name or by Date. Date is driven by the date that teams were entered to the competition.
7. Name Search: Enter the name of a team you are searching for.
8. Reference Search: Enter the SP reference for the team you are searching for.
Teams Database - information displayed
9. Organisation Name: The name of the organisation which the team entered is associated to.
10. Team Name: The name of the team entered.
11. Date Registered: The date the team registered.
12. Payable: The total amount payable by the team for products set up (team entry fees).
13. Paid: The amount paid by the team at present.
14. Balance: The balance outstanding to be paid. This is the difference between the payable and paid amounts.
15. Notes: Enter any comments about the team that need be noted. You must click Save once this has been entered (the floppy disc icon to the right).
16. View or modify Team Entry form: View or modify the completed Team Entry Form for the specific team.
17. View or modify payments: View payments made by the team, add a manual payment received or make an adjustment.
18. Delete team: Delete the team from the competition. Teams that have already been included in the draw cannot be deleted.
19. Email checkbox: This enables the team to be included in receiving email invitations to reregister and eNewsletters.
20. Email team to re-register: Send the team an email invitation to reregister for the next season. This includes a link to re-register the team with the competition organiser.
21. Register team for the next season: Register the team for the next season. This opens the next season's Team Entry Form prefilled with the currently logged in users details.
22. Save changes: When changes such as a note are added against the team, this icon will change to green. This highlights that there are changes that need to be saved. If multiple notes have been added to teams, click 2. Save All to save all changes in one click.