Styling Your Website
- The Menu
- Apply the Parallax Effect to Section Background
- Copying a page
- Custom Colours
- Adding an Image as a Section Background
- Style your website header
- Edit HTML Source in Text Widget
- 5 Steps to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Website
- Adding a Video as a Section Background
- Setting Border Margins per Section
- Adjusting Default Buttons
- Concealing a Page from the Site Menu
- Changing the Width of Content (sections) on Your Site
- Fluid Widget Sizing
- Locking the layout of a website
- Adjusting the Padding Between Widgets and Sections
- Add a Browser Icon (favicon)
- Set a Background Image and Overlay Text to a Section
- Setting the default Text formats and heading tags
- Add a background image
- Tile the background image
- Create a background image slideshow
- Set a Colour Background for Mobile Screens
- Exclude the overlay on the homepage
- Hide the menu
- Set a sections background colour
- Create a full-width section