This article includes...
School Sport Eligibility
For top teams, eligibility of the New to School quota is checked. If a new to school quota is required, this is configured by the School Sport Organisation responsible for the competition. When set, this quota only allows a specific number of students who are new to the school to play in a team, it checks each student entered into the team to make sure that they do not fit the new to school criteria.
The Quota status will be displayed in the team view allowing schools to see who is flagged as New to School, non-domestic, or that has an exemption applied if a New to School quota has been set.
In the background, a check will be completed to ensure that the number of New to School students does not exceed the quota limit. If the quota limit is exceeded, the New to School students will be flagged with a !. Clicking the ! will open the School Roll form to allow you to update the student's details or to upload an exemption.
Please note that the School Roll form keeps a record of the students eligibility. If the school is connected to Kamar, students details will automatically be synced and the New to School status will be calculated based off the students enrolment date and year level. Otherwise, the school will enter the required information manually into the School Roll form for the student and any non-domestic students will need to be recorded manually.
If the New to School quota has been exceeded, each participant that fits the criteria will be flagged to notify the administrator that action is required to be taken.
School Roll
The School Roll can be opened by clicking update roll hyperlink in the Quota column of the Team View modal.
The School Roll form keeps a record of the student’s eligibility. If the school is connected to Kamar/Edge students’ details will automatically be synced and the ‘New to school’ status calculated based on the student's enrolment date and year level. Otherwise, the school will enter the required information manually. Any non-domestic students will need to be recorded manually.
The school sports team roster can be generated directly from the team details. In the team view click Export and select Team Roster. This will be time stamped with when and who approved the declarations when adding the team.
Note: Adding students to teams is required only for individual-based sports and top-tier grades that have a school sports quota. Otherwise, the decision to add students to teams rests with the school. Adding students to teams enables player selection in the Game Day App and allows players to communicate in Chat2Teams.