Competition administrators can set up grade eligibility requirements against sports to ensure that each grade meets the required criteria when teams or individuals are being entered.
Grade eligibility refers to the criteria that determine whether a participant qualifies for a particular grade. A warning will display if a participant is entered into a grade that they are not eligible to compete in. For participants entering into individual events, participants will only be able to view those events that they are eligible to enter.
In this article:
Setting Grade Eligibility Requirements
Go to your Dashboard then click the TeamBuilder tile.
1. Click the Grade Attributes settings cog against the registration form.
2. Beside grade you want to set eligibility requirements for, click the Grade Eligibility settings cog to open the Grade Eligibility attributes modal.
3. The Grade Eligibility modal will open where you can set the grade specific requirements into the fields provided. Each grade can have multiple eligibility requirements set against it.
Click Advanced Options to expand the below section for School Sport Settings and Meet Manager Settings.
Ensure you click Save Changes when you are finished.
Grade Eligibility fields that can be set...
Eligibility Settings
- Gender: the gender which this grade is made up of, i.e. Male, Female or Mixed.
- Age - Min Age: the minimum age which a participant can be, e.g. 12, to play in this grade.
- Age - Max Age: the maximum age which a participant can be, e.g.18, to play in this grade.
- Age - Age at: dd/mm: enter the dd/mm i.e. 01/01, to request the system to calculate the participants age using their date of birth to this entered date. For example, if a participants date of birth is the 26/04/2006 then they would be age 17 on the 01/01. If the competition is held after their birthday, they will still be 17.
- Year Level: the single, or multiple year levels of participants that be entered into this grade, e.g. 12, 13 if a senior grade.
- School Sport: New to School Quota Limit: set the number of new to school participants that must enter into this grade.
Meet Manager Settings
Meet manager export: these fields are required for individual events and relay grades for Swimming/Athletics.
Division: event division number
- Swimming max 4 characters
- Athletics max 2 characters
Discipline: type of event
Swimming, distance and stroke
- 1. Freestyle
- 2. Backstroke
- 3. Breaststroke
- 4. Butterfly
- 5. Individual Medley
- 6. Freestyle Relay
- 7. Medley Relay
Example: 501 = 50m freestyle
- Running Events: Distance without commas, such as 100, 800, 3200, 10000, 1MILE, 2MILE, HMAR half marathon, MAR
- Hurdle Events: Distance plus H, such as 80H, 400H.
- Steeplechase Events: Distance plus S, such as 2000S, 3000S.
- Race Walk Events: Distance plus W, such as 5000W, 20000W.
- Field Events: HJ High Jump, PV Pole Vault, LJ Long Jump, TJ Triple Jump, SP Shot Put, DT Discus, HT Hammer, JT Javelin, WT Weight Throw, SWT Super Weight Throw
- Combined-Events: DEC Decathlon, HEP Heptathlon, IPENT Indoor Pentathlon, OPENT Outdoor Pentathlon, TRI Triathlon, WPENT Weight Pentathlon, BI Biathlon, TET Tetrathlon, OCT Octathlon
Click here to find out about grade eligibility if you are a club or school administrator.