Modifying a draft draw
Teams, fixture time, fixture date, and venue in a draft draw can be modified using the dropdown arrow beside the field you wish to change.
Note: Using the dropdown arrow to modify the teams in a fixture may result in an unbalanced draw if a complete round robin is required.
Click Save to save your changes or click + Add to calendar to apply the draw to your fixture calendar.
Adding or Deleting Individual Fixtures
There are occasions where a standard round robin is not required, and additional fixtures may need to be played, or a fixture removed from the draw. Fixtures can be added to a draw by using the + icon next to the Round Number. Fixtures can be deleted by clicking the trashcan icon next to the fixture. It is not possible to delete an entire round by deleting fixtures individually and at least one fixture must remain. To delete an entire round, the round date should be removed from phase settings and the draw regenerated without that date.
Note: When regenerating a draw, it is advised to export the draw first to obtain a copy of fixtures. Also be aware that regenerating a draw will un-assign any officials that had been previously assigned.
Swapping Rounds
You may prefer to play a whole round of games on an alternate date due to venue availability or other scheduling requirements.
1. Click next to the name of the Round
2. Select the Round that you want to swap with
3. Click Swap
Note: If a round has already been played, the round will not be available to swap.
Modifying a Home/Away Draw
SKED™ displays the total number of home vs away fixtures for each team in the draws modal. A fixture will be counted as a home game when the team appears on the left of the draw and they are playing at one of their preferred home venues.
To amend the home/away allocation, click to the right of a fixture. The teams will swap to the opposite side of the draw, and the venue for the fixture will update to the newly selected home teams preferred venue.
Alternatively, use the dropdown arrow next to the team name to select from list of teams.
Note: Using the dropdown arrow to modify the teams in a fixture may result in an unbalanced draw if a complete round robin is required.
Modifying fixture allocations for one team for all games within a phase
By selecting Bulk Edit, teams can be swapped with one another for all games within the draw.
Note: If a balanced draw is required, i.e. all teams play all other teams once, the bulk edit option should not be used if some fixtures have already been played to avoid repeat fixtures occurring during the phase.
1. Click Bulk Edit within the draft draw modal
2. Select the two teams that you would like to swap
3. Click Save
Using "Bulk Edit" to swap teams within a Home/Away draw
In a Home/Away competition, using "Bulk Edit" to move teams into a new position within the draw, will not automatically update to reflect a home preferred venue for the updated fixtures. The original venue assigned to the fixtures will be retained. Using the swap home/away option (twice) will force fixtures to be allocated the home teams first preferred venue without considering if the venue is available. Validation of the venues' availability will occur when the individual fixture is either saved or the draw is added to the calendar.
Having the Venue View open on a separate screen will assist in providing visibility of available preferred venues. Alternatively fixtures can remain unallocated and moved to a venue on the Venue View once the draw has been added to the calendar.
Modifying a draw once it has been added to the calendar (Section View)
Once a draw has been added to the fixtures calendar, the Comp Builder view will display Added ✔ for that section and the teams will appear greyed-out.
Note: If a draw contains unallocated fixtures, it will display the text 'Added!' to warn you that further action may be required. The text 'Added!' will also appear when a default has been recorded within the draw.
To modify an added draw click Added ✔ or Added! then click Edit Draw and select which dates should become editable (note that played fixtures cannot be edited). Once modifications are complete, click Save or + Add to Calendar.
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