Where organisations accept requests from teams for either preferred times for their fixtures eg. can't play before or after a certain time or request not to play at the same time as certain other teams, these preferences can be set in SKED Comp Builder. Any fixtures auto assigned to a draw, where a preference has not been met, will produce a visual indication of the team conflict on the Venue View or can be viewed by exporting a team conflicts report from SKED Draws & Results. Then, at the discretion of the SKED user, fixtures can be moved to accommodate for the request.
Setting team preferences
To set a teams preferences, click on the team icon in Comp Builder and select Team Requests
To add a team conflict select +Add Team then select Organisation, Grade and Team name. More than one team conflict can be added and conflicts can be set against teams belonging to a different phase or competition. The conflict will be automatically set against the corresponding team.
To add a time conflict select +Add Time then select No games before or No games after. A team can have a time conflict for both before and after a specified time.
Note: Team and time conflicts remain with a team in following phases or competitions throughout the season and can be modified at any stage if necessary
Reviewing a teams preferences
When clicking on a team and selecting Team Requests tab, there is a view of all conflicts currently applied to the team.
Team reports summary
A report displaying all team preferences within a competition is available by selecting the competition settings cog to access the Edit Competition area
Select Team Reports to export a report of all team conflicts added
Visibility of conflicts on the Venue View
Fixtures where a team or time conflict exists will be visually identified in the venue view with a yellow surround. When hovering over the fixture a description of the conflict will be displayed.
Note: When there is a venue clash and a team conflict on the same fixture, the outline around the fixture will be red as it is for venue clashes. When hovering over the fixture the venue clash and team conflict details will be displayed
Exporting all conflicts
A summary of all conflicts can be exported from SKED Draws and Results by setting date and grade filters and selecting Export
Select All Conflicts
A CSV document will be presented to review all conflicts during the dates filtered
Related article Managing teams