Matrix draws are useful when a pre-existing draw format is required that does not follow the algorithm path of SKED™ automated draws. Matrices can be generated in SKED™ phase settings or imported from another source and can be exported and shared with another SKED™ organisation. A matrix can be re-used for grades with the same number of teams, where there is a requirement for clubs to follow the same home/away path.
Note: Playoff, crossover and repeat/reverse phases can be created as subsequent phases of a matrix phase but cannot be created or saved as a matrix.
In Phase Settings > Draw Type select Matrix.
Now, select the radio button next to an existing matrix, or click +Add Matrix to create or import a new matrix.
Manually create a matrix draw
After selecting +Add Matrix, click Generate to create a matrix based on the number of Teams and Rounds you select. You can then modify the home/Away placements as required.
Enter a Name for the matrix and Save.
Import an existing matrix draw
After selecting +Add Matrix, click Import to select a pre-prepared CSV matrix. The CSV file must be 4 columns and the first row is reserved for headings (e.g., Fixture, Round, Home and Away. Do not include fixture details in Row 1).
Enter a name for the matrix and Save.
Generating a matrix draw
Once matrix settings have been saved and dates added to phase settings, click Save.
Seeding the teams will assign teams to the required position in the matrix. Click +Add Seeding and add a ranking to each team or use drag handles to position the teams where required to align with the chosen matrix. By default, when clicking +Add Seeding, both the matrix and the seeding box will open providing visibility to assist with positioning teams within the matrix.
Add teams to section(s). When the draw is generated, fixtures will follow the pattern of the selected matrix.
Note: If there are multiple sections in a grade, sections can follow different matrices by modifying the phase settings before the draw is generated for each section.
If all sections follow the same matrix, the team’s position in the matrix will be based on the numerical value that aligns with the matrix pattern when generating the draw. For example, Section A with seeds 1, 6, 7 & 12 would be the equivalent to Section B with seeds 2, 5, 8 & 11, and both sections can be generated with the same four team matrix (e.g., for Section 1: Seed 1 will be positioned where 1 appears in the Matrix, Seed 6 will be positioned where 2 appears in the Matrix, Seed 7 will be positioned where 3 appears in the Matrix, and Seed 12 will be positioned where 4 appears in the Matrix)
Exporting and copying a matrix
In Phase Settings > Draw Type> Matrix click on the settings cog. Select Export to create a CSV document which can be saved and imported by another SKED™ user. When selecting Copy, a new name for the matrix is required before updating and saving the new matrix.
Creating a matrix from a pre-existing draw
To view how a previous draw can be converted to a matrix for further use in future seasons, Click here.
Editing a matrix
Click the settings cog to update the name and modify the home and away teams for each round. Save the matrix.
Clash validation
Clash validation is performed to identify venue booking errors and a team playing at the same time on the same date on a matrix draw. Clash validation to check for missing teams or teams playing more than once will not be completed.
Related Article Seeded Playoffs and Tournaments