Users can now update their own details by following a magic link that is sent to them in a confidential email. Magic links will expire after 3 months, and emails containing magic links include a disclaimer that the email contains confidential information, therefore to not share the contents of the email with anyone.
There are three ways users can update their own details:
- Completing a new online form for an organisation.
Manually entering their details or using the autofill wizard. - Clicking the magic link from a prior confirmation email.
When the person last completed a form for the organisation (detailed instructions below) they would have received a confirmation email. This email contains a magic link that they can click through to their details. If it has been longer than 3 months, the organisation will need to resend the confirmation email to the person as the magic link will no longer be active. - Receiving an invite to register using a magic link.
Click this link to see how to Send an Invitation to Register via the SuperCRM so that the recipient can directly update their details.
End user example: 'magic link' sent within confirmation email.
If the organisation has enabled a confirmation email to be sent to the person upon submission of the form (set in the Advance Options settings), the below email is what is received by the person once a form is submitted.
Many organisations have the form set so that these confirmation emails include a 'magic link' that the registrant can click to update their details.
Reminder that the magic link will expire after 3 months.
Note: In some instances, the ability for people to update their own details may have been disabled by the organisation (controlled in the Advanced Options area of the settings for the online form).