Applying a seeding for a team lets you assign a ranking to teams for the purposes of the draw.
1. Click +Add Seeding to reveal the Rank Teams modal.
2. There are two options of seeding format that will determine how the teams are allocated to sections based on their ranking.
League Format
This will fill each section with teams until it reaches capacity, then start filling the next section (E.g. Section 1: Teams 1, 2 , 3, 4. Section 2: Teams 5, 6, 7, 8).
Tournament Format
This will disperse teams evenly across the sections (E.g. Section 1: Teams 1, 3, 5, 7. Section 2: Teams 2, 4, 6, 8).
3. The teams current seeded position will appear in the Seed Column
4. Use the Change position column to set a new seeded position for a team. This can be done using the seeding box or drag handles.
Ranking teams with Change position seeding box
Insert the new seeding number into the change seeding box. Teams currently in that seeded position will move to N/A where their new seeding can be applied by inserting their new seeding number into the seeding box. Using this method will not modify the seeded position of any other team except for a team that previously held a seeded position that has now been superseded.
When all positions are filled select Save.
Ranking teams with Change position drag handles
When using the drag handles to position teams, surrounding teams will move either up or down to accommodate for the team being dragged to its new position
IMPORTANT: The movement of surrounding teams when using the drag handles will overwrite any previous ranking of teams via the seeding box method
When all teams are ranked as required, click Save.
5. Once teams are seeded, their rank number will appear next to their team icon
6 The SKED™ draw algorithm will generate based upon the team rankings
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