Most tournaments will require multiple rounds to be played on the same day/s. For example, pool play might be scheduled over the first and second day of a tournament followed by either crossovers or playoffs. For scheduling more than one round on the same day refer to Scheduling multiple rounds on the same date
Creating a playoff or crossover phase allows you to plan for upcoming fixtures where the fixture is required to be scheduled, but the teams playing are still unknown. These phases are created with placeholder icons to represent a team’s position in the standings table until the contributing phase is completed, and the final standings are known.
Related Articles:
- Crossover phase creation
- Playoff phase creation
- Playoff Phase Modifications
- Playoff phase public notes
- Grades may need separate playoff phases for each section
- Ranking Teams
- Population of team names replacing placeholder icons
- Final placings export
- Publishing playoff fixtures
- Seeded Playoffs and Tournaments