When more rounds need to be added to an existing draw that will follow on from the already scheduled rounds, additional dates can be added and they will follow the same algorithm path that was already in progress (E.g., to complete the existing round robin or commence a new round robin). Complete the following steps
1. Add and save additional dates to Phase Settings > Preferred dates for draw.
2. In Comp Builder, click Added in the grade to be modified.
3. Click Edit Draw and choose a date to remove the draw from calendar. The date should be after the last existing round date but before the first additional round date. Click Remove
4. Click Regenerate to regenerate draw from after the last existing round date to create rounds on the additional dates and click on + Add to Calendar.
Note: If the additional games or rounds are not required to follow the existing draw path and do not count towards the standings table, refer to Add a fixture or round to an existing draw support article.