The Live Scoring App may appear slightly different depending on the sport code, however the functionality remains the same.
Results recorded and team sheets submitted provide data to the Game Event Reports that are available to the competition organiser.
Rugby League: Specific requirements for submission of team sheets and results are governed by your district by-laws. There may be additional requirements above what is detailed in this guide.
This article includes...
Getting Started
Search for your Organisation in the App Store or Google Play, and download the Official Mobile App.
You must be first logged in to the app to submit a team sheet or score a game.
To begin, click the Officials/Chat icon then click Log In for Scorers/Officials.
Your Live Scoring App login is the same login for any Live Scoring app you use.
As a new user
If you are a new user who has never logged into the Live Scoring App, click Register Here. Enter your details to create a new user account. A username will be automatically populated but this can be changed by overtyping.
Click Register to complete your registration.
A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the screen stating, “Your registration is successful you will now be signed in”. You will be prompted to enter your team scorer code.
Enter your team scorer code, then tap ADD.
As an existing user
If you are an existing user to the Live Scoring App, enter your username and password into the Log in screen, then click Log in.
If you have not yet entered a scorer code, you will be taken to a blank screen upon logging in. If you are a scorer for another team or teams for your organisation and you have set these teams up already, they will appear when you log in. For any additional teams, you need to enter the team scorer code for them to appear.
Click the three dots on the top right of the screen to open the menu.
From the menu, click Scorer Code to enter a scorer code.
The scorer code is a unique 6-letter code that is either provided by your club administrator, or located within TeamBuilder, visible to the Team Admin.
For information on scorer codes, click here.
The Playlist
The app will now re-load to display the fixtures scheduled for your newly added team.
If you are a scorer for multiple teams, you will need to repeat the teams of entering each team scorer code into the app as many times as needed.
Reminder: Your app login is the same login for any Live Scoring app you require. However, only the teams for each specific app will be visible if the team scorer code has been entered.
The app will now re-load to display the fixtures scheduled for your newly added team. The landing page is referred to as your Playlist.
You can use the same login to be a scorer for more than one club or school.
Click or swipe left or right to view your past or future games.
Click the game location on the bottom right to view a map of its location.
Click the fixture circle displaying team logos to view the submitted Game Day Team (if submitted)
Click CHAT2TEAM to begin instantly messaging your team.
For information about Chat2Team, click here.
Team Selection
Prior to each game you will select your team.
To select your team, tap the Select Team for Game button. This will display those players who have been assigned to your team by your club in TeamBuilder. Tap on a player to select or deselect them.
Selected players will display a tick in the top right-hand corner.
To select players assigned to other teams by your club, tap Pick From Other Squad. Tap a player to select them for your game day team.
Tap Done when finished to display your game day team.
Next, set player number/position.
Swipe a player to the left (or tap the player) to show options of Set Number/Position or Remove Player.
Click Set Number/Position, select the number from the list provided and tap Ok. Once you have set player numbers, tap Done.
Note: clicking remove player will remove the player from the team, this is the same as if you de-selected them when you had selected your game day team.
Once you have selected your game day team and set player numbers, tap Submit Team to confirm your team selection.
Your game day team will now be visible to the opposition. To view the oppositions game day team, click their team logo for the fixture in the app. If the draws and results widget has been set up to allow the public to view the game day team through the match centre, the submitted game day team will also be visible here.
Adjustments to the submitted game day team can be made prior to the game starting.
You can view your Team Sheet as a PDF and share it easily by tapping View Team, then Share.
The user who submitted the Team Sheet will be displayed on both the PDF and in app, along with the time and date that the team was submitted.
On the day of the game when the game is ready to be scored, tap Score Game against the appropriate fixture on your playlist.
You can enter a score either as it's happening by clicking Score Game Live, or if you would like to just add the final score, click Enter Final Score.
Scoring a Game Live
Tap Score Game Live.
To start the game timer, tap Start.
For each goal that is made, tap GOAL under the relevant team. If the goal was made by a player on your team, assign the goal to the appropriate player.
For any game events that occur such as cards given, or a Shootout Goal tap Add Event.
Note: Add Event will appear for sporting codes where appropriate. Not all Live Scoring Apps will display this button.
Goals and game events will build the game timeline that is displayed under each team in the app.
To stop or pause the game timer, tap Pause. This will give you the options to Pause Game, End Half/Quarter, End Game (Submit Score), Delete (delete your scoring altogether) or to Cancel (go back).
Note: to pause the game, ensure you click Pause Game from the Pause menu.
For Softball, click here.
Editing the timeline
If you need to modify an event that you have recorded, simply tap the event on the timeline to edit. To delete the event completely, tap Delete then confirm your decision.
Submitting the end game score
Tap Pause then select End Game (Submit Score).
A pop-up will appear displaying the final recorded score. If you want to submit a comment about the fixture, enter text into the space provided then tap SUBMIT FINAL SCORE.
The final score will then be displayed against the game in your playlist and will update the draws and results widget that may be public facing.
Contested scores
If the scorers from both teams submit the same score, the score will be accepted as a confirmed result and the score will display in green on your playlist.
If the scorers from both teams submit different score, the score will display in red on your playlist. The score displayed will be the home team scorer's submission (the home team is the team on the left-hand side in the draw). If the score is contested, tap View Score to open the game events timeline where the final score you submitted appears at the top of the screen. Edit Score will appear as an option to tap in place of the timestamp indicating when the final score was submitted.
If you can identify where the mistake was made, tap Edit Score to add/edit/delete any game event recorded (see editing the timeline). When you have corrected the mistakes tap Done and the score will be displayed in green on the playlist indicating that it is confirmed.
View the match report
To view the match report, tap View Score against the appropriate fixture displayed in your playlist.
Tap View Match Report to view a completed PDF of your match report for the game. You can share a copy of this report if desired.
Live Scoring Display
Your community can view real-time scoring by visiting your either your website, or your association/centre/province website and selecting the relevant draw.
When you tap Start Game in the app, the fixture will display a LIVE indicator with a blue button.
Users can click this to open a modal that displays your game as it progresses, play by play. The blue indicator defines the team currently in play.
Note: Only the submissions from the home team will be displayed as a Live Score. If your team is classified as the away team for a fixture, your scoring submission is only used for reporting to your softball association.
Entering a Final Score
Note: To be able to enter a final score, it must have first been enabled for your organisation. If this option is not available to you, please contact your organisation for further information.
Tap Enter Final Score.
Enter the score for both teams; your team and the opposition, then tap Submit Score.
A pop-up will appear that will ask you to confirm the scores you are submitting. If you want to submit a comment about the fixture, enter text into the space provided then tap SUBMIT FINAL SCORE.
If you need to amend your final score click the X in the right hand corner of the dialogue box to go back.
App Connectivity
Launching the app for the first time
When you login to the app for the first time, please ensure your phone is connected to the internet (either WiFi or data network).
The app will download all your relevant game information the first time you login, including the details of players in the grade for your team and two grades above/below your grade. This may take a minute or two, depending on the total number of players.
Working offline
You can create team sheets and score the game offline, however, information (e.g., team sheets and scores) will only sync up when you are back online. So, if you intend using the app without internet connection, it is recommended that you launch the app while online before the game to sync in any recently updated game information.
Poor connection
When the app is open and you have little to no connection, you will see a yellow bar with a message: Poor connection, app is offline. Click here to reconnect.
When you click on the yellow bar to reconnect, the app will attempt to refresh the screen and sync any recent information if there is sufficient internet connection.
Submitting a Team Sheet
Note that you will be unable to select players from other squads or see the opposition team sheet while offline and if you try to submit a team sheet, you will see a red bar and the message: App Offline - Team sheet not sent
Your team sheet has not been sent. When you are back online, close the app and relaunch it.
Click on the Officials icon to reattempt submitting the team sheet. The red bar will disappear if it has been sent.
Submitting Results
On a similar note, when you try to submit your score when offline, the message will read: Results not sent.
When you are back online, close and reopen the app.
Click on the Officials icon to reattempt submitting the score. The red bar will disappear if it has been sent.