If your organisation is using a Game Day Scoring App, a scorer code is available for each team.
Info for club/school administrators
Info for the competition organisers
Info for club/school administrators
Although you may see a Scorer Form in Online Registrations, do not use this to take registrations for those being scorers. Scorers MUST register via the scoring app. Once they have registered via the app, they will appear on the Scorer Form that you see in Online Registrations.
The Scorer Code is a unique 6 digit code. It is displayed when viewing the team in TeamBuilder.
To view a list of Scorer Codes for your club/school, go into TeamBuilder and click Export Teams.
This exports the team details as a CSV (excel) file including the list of Scorer Codes.
Info for the competition organiser
If you are the competition organiser e.g. Netball Centre, Softball Association etc. to obtain a list of all scorer codes for your affiliated clubs/schools is by running a Teams Consolidated Report. For instructions see this support article.
If there are teams who do not have a scorer code, one can be manually issued via contacting Sporty at support@sportsground.com.
Info for team scorers
If you are a team scorer and do not know the scorer code for your team, in the first instance contact your club/school administrator who will be able to provide it to you. Alternatively you can contact your competition organiser eg. Netball Centre, Softball Association etc. who also has a list of all team scorer codes.
This video shows how to become a scorer for your team(s).