You can create a link that sends the user back to the top of the page. This is particularly useful for pages with lots of content, and also makes life easier for those viewing on mobile phones.
If you are wanting each page on your site to have this link, create this text link in the footer of your site. This way, any page that a user visits will always have a way back to the top. Otherwise you will need to add this text link to each page you want to allow people to click and return to the top.
Link text via the Text Widget
1. Click + ADD CONTENT and select the Text type.
2. Type the text that you want to appear, such as Top or Back to Top.
2. Highlight the text you want people to click to take them back to the top of the page.
3. Click the link icon from the tools provided.
4. Change the Protocol to <other> and enter #top into the URL field.
5. Click OK.
How this link will appear on your site.
When people visit a page on your site where you have set this link, they will be taken back to the top of the page when it is clicked.