In SKED Comp Builder you can view specific team settings which include team details, team requests, view of the team itself and view of preferred venues when a team is clicked on.
This article includes:
1. From your Dashboard, select the SKED tile.
2. Once you've selected the competition you want to view, click the COMP BUILDER tab.
3. Click on a team to open the Team Settings modal.
Team Settings modal:
After any changes have been made via the modal, click Save to confirm your settings.
View Team
Clicking View Team will open the team in a new window. Here you can view and manage team details, communicate with the team, retrieve the team scorer code, export the team or generate a squad sheet.
For further information about editing or managing team details, please click here.
For further information about scorer codes, please click here.
Editing Team Details
Select View Team to review the team details.
Click Edit Team to make changes to the team name.
Click Submit to save changes.
Team Requests
This tab allows for requests to be added that will assist in the configuration of draw generation.
Requests are in relation to Team Conflicts and Time Conflicts. Multiple teams and multiple times can be added here.
Please see the Team Preferences and Conflicts article for further information.
- Team Conflicts: Select teams that prefer to not play at the same time due to specific reasons.
- Please note: Teams within other competitions, clubs, schools and grades can be selected.
- Time Conflicts: Select times which the specific team itself cannot play at.
Preferred Venues
If a team has indicated a preferred venue or venues that they are to play at, this can be set here by clicking the Preferred Venue link.
When Preferred Venue is clicked, this modal displayed appears.
The competition administrator can select or deselect venues that are populated under Available Venues to select or deselect all courts associated to that venue.
Or the competition administrator can select the arrow to drop-down all courts at a specific venue so that specific courts can be selected.