Below you will find information on the key features to getting started with your SuperCRM which are:
- Selecting records
- Sort the results
- Search
- Adding a person record
- Adding a person as a contact for an organisation
- Adding a registration to a persons record
Watch our short 3 minute YouTube video to familiarise yourself with the SuperCRM:
SuperCRM Member Manager Video Summary
- Login to your Sporty site and navigate to the Dashboard. Click the SuperCRM tile to enter your SuperCRM utility.
- Click into your SuperCRM settings to update what is displayed to make relevant to what you require.
- The people displayed are all those that have registered on a form specific to your site. You can click into each persons record to view their specific timeline history, add reminders, and log activity. You also can view their registrations, relationships, financial account summary and the audit trail associated to changes for that persons record.
- Filter those displayed to only show specific results by either selecting filters for a one-time search, creating a new filter, or by applying a saved filter.
- Communicate with your member database by sending an email, eNewsletter, or by creating a letter. You can also send your members an invitation to re-register to a specific form, or send them a link to update their details.
- If you are a centre, zone, provincial union or similar, associated organisations e.g. netball centres, football or rugby clubs will appear in the organisations tab which is located beside the people tab. This displays similar information to the records for people.
SuperCRM - An overview
When you first open the SuperCRM on a PC, you will be presented with a screen similar to this. It will automatically open to the People tab. Here you will the people that make up your organisation. Anyone who has completed a form in Sporty for your organisation, or that you have added directly to your SuperCRM will appear in this view.
Selecting Records
You can choose to select individual records, a group of records or all records by putting a tick in the checkbox to the left of the record. To select all, tick the checkbox above the records.
You will see the number of results selected update automatically as records are selected or unselected.
By selecting specific records, you can apply an action against them at the same time such as applying a tag, exporting the records or sending out communication.
Sort Order
You can change the sort order that the returned results are displayed in. By default, they will be sorted by last name in ascending order.
Sorting Options:
- Sort by Descending/ascending order
- Click the arrow beside the hyperlink to change the direction of the sort order.
- The arrow pointing down means that the results will display in ascending order. The arrow pointing down means the order will display in a descending order.
- Sort by Column
- Click the name of the column, e.g., DoB to show this column from oldest to newest. If you click it again, you will change the order direction that the results are displaying.
- Sort by Multiple Columns
- Click the hyperlink on the Sort display. This will open the Sort Order modal. This allows you select what column to sort by first, followed by the next column to sort by.
- Click the arrows to change the order from ascending to descending and vice versa.
- For example, you may want to sort by those that have requested a reminder to re-register for the upcoming season, then to sort the results by Last Name order.
- Click Apply.
To search for a specific person in your CRM database, there are several different ways that you can do this. In the search bar, you can enter any of the below information of the record you are searching for, then either click the magnifying glass/search icon or on your keyboard click enter to perform the search.
Search on the following information:
- First/last name
- You do not need to type the person's name in full, you can type the first few letters and it will bring up all the people with those in their name.
- Email address
- SP reference registration number
- Phone number
- When searching by a phone number, you can also search by using the prefix 'tel;' followed by the numbers that you want to search. E.g., "tel;253" will return all records with "253" in their phone number.
Adding a Person Record
You have the option to +Add Person in to your CRM to create a new person. You can then assign registrations, notes, calls and emails against this person.
Note that while you can manually add a person to your CRM, most people will be added to your SuperCRM database automatically when they complete a registration form.
- Click +Add Person
2. Enter the person details into the known fields (scroll down to enter a phone number), then click Save to add the person.
Adding a Person as a Contact for an Organisation
If a person has a role or is a representative for an organisation, you can add them as an Organisation Contact. When a person is defined as an Organisation Contact, by default they will receive email communications sent to the organisation. Any contact made with the person will appear on the persons timeline, as well as the organisations timeline.
1. Open the record of the person who you want to add as a contact for an organisation and click +Add Contact to an Organisation.
2. The Organisation Contacts form will appear. It is pre-populated with the saved persons details but you can also enter different values such as a different email address if the person uses a different email when communicating on behalf of the organisation. Update the details as required.
Note: End Date is by default left empty, however if the person is only to be an organisation contact until a specified date you can enter the final date which will remove them from being the contact from that date.
3. Click Submit to save the the person against the organisation selected.
4. The person will now appear as an Organisation Contact on their person record profile.
5. Now that the contact is associated to an organisation you have three additional options which allow you perform different actions.
- Email
- Click the Email button to send the person an email that will be tracked on the Organisations timeline.
- Delete
- Click the rubbish bin button to remove this person as a representative for the organisation. This acts the same way as adding an end date to the person on the Organisation Contacts form.
- Edit
- Click the pencil button to edit the Organisation Contacts form, and to modify the contact information for the Organisation Contact.
Add a Registration to a Persons Record
Steps to add a person to a registration form in SuperCRM.
1. Click into the persons Profile, then the Registration tab, then + Add Registration
2. Select the season and the form you want the person to register to. Click Add.
3. This opens up the registration form the person is to be added to. Complete any additional mandatory fields that are required. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit.
This adds the persons records to the registration form that appears in the Online Registrations area and also add this to the persons Timeline ...
And to the persons Registration tab ...
Note: when you add a person to a registration form they will receive a confirmation email. If you do not want them to receive a confirmation email you will first edit the form you intend to add them to and untick Email a copy to the registrant and Save the form. Remember to edit the form and tick this back on once you have added the person to the form.