This relates to the article Add Products on your forms.
When adding products to your online form there is the option to add the transaction fee to show as a separate line item in the registrant's cart.
To display this tick on the checkbox Adjust price to include transaction fee.
If you have chosen for it to be turned on, the transaction fee will show under your list of products. If Xero is enabled, you can set the Xero account for the transaction fee and tracking (if required).
The transaction fee will then display as a separate line item in the payment cart:
Note: The transaction fee will initially display $0 until a payment method is selected. The transaction fee then changes according to the payment method. Transactions fees for POLi and Debitsuccess attract GST so this will be included to ensure that the amount ultimately remitted to your organisation is the net amount you expect for the item total. For example, the 1% POLi fee becomes 1% + GST = 1.15%. Transaction fees for Stripe do not attract GST.
IMPORTANT: If the transaction fee is being added to the item total, this increases the grand total of the transaction to be processed, meaning that the transaction fee (incl GST if any) must be calculated on this grand total, not just the item total. In the example above the grand total is $70.81. The net amount just for the products = $70.81 x (100% - 1.15%) = $70.81 x 98.85% = $70.00 (rounded).
If you do not wish to adjust the grand total to include the transaction fee but you still wish to manually set your pricing to include the transaction fee, then use the formula Item value ÷ (100% - fee incl GST). For example if the item total was $70 and the fee was 4.35% + GST then the amount you would need to set to receive $70 net would be $70 ÷ (100% - 5%) = $70 ÷ 95% = $73.68