You can create a report of all payments received over a date range. This will show all payments entered against a registration record regardless of whether it was an online payment using Sport$pay or a manual payment recorded.
This is useful if your organisation has more than one active online form receiving payments and you want to view all payments received over a specific period.
1. To run the report go into Dashboard, then click the Online Registrations tile.
2. From here, click the Payments Report button in the top right hand corner of the screen
3. Enter the date range required in the pop up box and click Export.
The report output is as a CSV file which can be opened in Excel. Here is an example of the payment report output:
- Success - A successful payment made using Sportspay.
- One off - An online payment made using Sportspay.
- Processing - An unsuccessful payment. This payment amount will not be displayed. If payments are set to be mandatory the record will not be displayed in your database.
Payment Method
This shows the method used to process the transaction.
- OneOff - Stripe/DebitSuccess transactions (you can only have either one of these enabled at a time).
- POLi - POLi transactions.
- Manual - Payments added manually on the form database as shown below.
For information on how to enable online payments using Sportspay, please go to