When games are scored through the Sporty Live Scoring App or the MyNetball Manager app, the game events are recorded and held against the fixture in SKED.
SKED administrators can export game event data from SKED. Club & school administrators are able to export game event data via TeamBuilder.
In this article:
SKED administrators can also manually add/manage and create game events against a fixture in SKED. This is by selecting the edit pencil icon next to a score.
By clicking this pencil, you open the score chart. Edit the records as required, then click Save before exiting the modal.
If a team has submitted a teamsheet for a fixture, the PDF that you can view within SKED will always be a reflection of what the team's own scorer submitted for the fixture. The Game Event Reports and information viewed under the pencil icon for the fixture, contains the official game event data for the fixture. This is important where two scorers may have submitted a contested result for a fixture, their teamsheets will show what they submitted, but this may differ from the official score.
For more information on official scores, please see this article.
Accessing Game Event Reports
1. Login to Sporty, and access SKED for the competition you want to report on.
2. in the Draws & Results area, apply the grade, date and time filters to restrict the report to a specific period.
3. Click Game Event Reports.
4. Confirm the date range on the modal is for the period you wish to report on.
5. Select the export file required from the drop-down options.
Drop-down options for most sports:
6. Confirm your email address is correct. You can update this if required by clicking into the field to edit it.
7. Click Send Report to email this export to the email address provided.
The below on-screen message will display once you have clicked Send Report. Click OK to close this modal.
8. The provided email address will receive an email similar to the example below. Click the Attachment: hyperlink to download the export.
Report Options
Player Eligibility
This report makes it easy to determine if players meet eligibility requirements.
It provides a list of all players assigned to a team, or players that have been selected from another squad to play in a game day team during the period selected, and this is listed as Games Played. The report displays details of the official grade and team a player belongs to, making it easy to identify players who have been selected from another squad for determining they meet eligibility criteria.
A player may appear twice in this report if they have been submitted in a Game Day Team for a team they are not normally a squad member of. The report will show their statistics for each team separately. In the example below it shows Bobbi Maulder played one game in her official grade (Premier 2) and team (WCRN Premier 2), and also played a game for the team GMR Majors in Premier 2 grade.
Tip: Apply Conditional Formatting then filter by highlighted results to verify players that have played in multiple teams during the season.
1. Highlight the column of data that you want to apply the formatting to, then select Conditional Formatting, then Highlight Cells Rules, then Duplicate Values...
This will identify those values in that column that are found more than once.
These will then be visually noticeable.
2. Highlight the entire workbook, then click Sort & Filter, and then Filter.
This will provide a filter option for all columns.
3. Click the drop-down filter arrow for the formatted column.
4. From the drop-down, click Filter by Color, then select Filter by Cell Color.
5. This filter is now capturing only those players that appear more than once in the data set you have exported, to easily verify those that have played for multiple teams.
Defaulted Games Player Eligibility:
When a default is recorded in SKED, regardless if a teamsheet has been submitted via the Live Scoring App:
- All squad members of the winning team
- will be allocated a game played in eligibility reporting
- will appear in the fixture teamsheet report.
- will appear in SKED teamsheet for SKED admin to edit manually as required. This includes nominating players from other squad
- All squad members of the losing team
- will not be awarded a game in eligibility reporting
- will not appear in the fixture teamsheet report
- will not appear in the SKED teamsheet
If a Game Day Team had been submitted and game subsequently changed to defaulted:
- Players named from another squad named in winning or losing team
- will not be awarded a game in eligibility reporting
- will not appear in the fixture teamsheet report
Cancelled or Postponed Games Player Eligibility:
- All squad members of both teams
- will not be awarded a game in eligibility reporting
- will not appear in the fixture teamsheet report
- will not appear in the SKED teamsheet
Player Statistics
This report makes it easy to determine top point scorers within a grade, section or entire competition.
It provides a list of all players assigned to a team, or players that have been selected from another squad to play in a game day team and placed in a playing position. This report will list the game events captured against each player during the period selected. It will also track where a player was positioned during each stage of a game.
Fixture Team Sheets
This report displays the game day team lists submitted by the App users for each team participating in a fixture. If this report is generated after a fixture has been played, it will also list any game events captured against each player listed on the team sheet.
If a game day team sheet is not submitted, the team will not appear in the report.
In the CSV report, a summary count of the game events per fixture is captured against each team. In addition, the players that generated the game events display next to the count. Where a player has completed more than 1 scoring event, the number of events will be appended to their name for example... Lance Jacobs(2), or James Smithe(4).
...this is continued to the right with...
In the TXT report, each team is listed with the final score, followed by a list of the game events that contributed to the final score. A blank space differentiates between fixtures, and a grade or section header differentiates between grades and sections.
Clubs/Schools Eligibility Reports
Clubs & schools are able to generate eligibility reports in TeamBuilder.
1. Enter TeamBuilder for the competition.
2. Click Export.
3. Select the type of Report you want to Export by clicking the drop-down arrow beside Report.
There are two Eligibility Reports available for you to Export.
Player Eligibility.
Player Stats.
4. Check that the set date range is appropriate.
5. Click Export to email the report to the email address of the logged in user.
A pop-up message will display, click Ok to close this and return to TeamBuilder.