User logins into app and gets message “You have no upcoming fixtures”.
1. Are any fixtures published in SKED for this user’s team?
2. Get the person to click the magic link in the email and login to Sporty, then try the app again. If people have multiple existing usernames attached to the same email, they need to click the magic link to confirm which username should be associated with the app
3. Ask the club Administrator to open the user’s team in Teambuilder, and confirm the person is in the team. If they are, click the + icon next to the user’s name. There should be a sent date and a Resend Access Email button. If the person has Pending next to their name instead of a date, they need to click the magic link in the email.
What if a scorer loses their login?
The app remains logged in unless a person logs out on purpose. If they forget their password, they can select the Forgot password option on the login screen of the app and have a password reset email sent to therm. Their username will most likely be their email, but if they are not sure, follow the below process:
a) Unofficial Scorer: The club administrator can resend their access email from within Teambuilder. Ask the club administrator to open the users team in Teambuilder, and click the + icon next to the users name. There will be a Resend Access Email button that they can click.
b) Official Scorer: SKED admin can resend their access email from within SKED. Select their name from the officials list next to the fixture in the Draws and Results screen, and click Resend Access Email button next to their name.