Entering results for a win/loss/draw
For games that were played and resulted in a win, loss or draw, type the score for each team into the results text box for each fixture. This will save automatically. The points allocation for the fixture will be updated in the standings table.
Entering game events to generate a score
For games where total tries, conversions, penalties and other scoring events were captured, click the pencil icon next to the text box to display the game events modal for each team.
If Player name is not known
1. Type the total number of each scoring event into the respective text box.
2. SKED™ will automatically total the value of each event into the summary and total score fields.
If Player name is known
1. Type the player number into the number column.
2. Start typing the player’s first name into the first name textbox. Autocomplete will provide you a listing of all registered players for the organisation for you to select from.
3. Type the total number of each scoring event for that player into the respective text box.
4. SKED™ will automatically total the value of each event into the summary and total score fields.
Entering results for defaulted/cancelled/postponed/not played games
For games that were not played, cancelled or where one team won by default, leave the score input fields blank and simply change the Status field next to the fixture from Confirmed to the appropriate status. The points allocation for the fixture will be updated in the standings table.
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