Email Notification
When you have been assigned to a fixture, you will receive an email.
You can tap the Accept or Decline option underneath each fixture to accept or decline the fixture directly from the email, or alternatively, you can log in to the officials management area and review your appointments there.
Review Appointments
If you have any appointments that are pending a response from you, the officials management area will display a visual indicator in Review Appointments.
Tap Review Appointments to view these.
You have an option to view the appointments using a Calendar View or List View.
Tap a date or a fixture to view more details of the fixture. You will see the organisation and team names, plus the date, time and venue of the fixture in the top section. You will also have the option to view the current standings table for this section.
You will see the grade, section and public notes in the bottom section. You will also see the role you have been assigned for the fixture, and if any other officials have accepted their assignment you will be able to view their names here.
Tap Accept to accept the appointment.
Once you have accepted an appointment, an email will be sent to the other officials that have accepted their role for the same fixture.
You are unable to decline an appointment if you have previously accepted it and will need to contact your Appointments Officer to advise them you are no longer available.
If you are unable to be an official click Decline to Decline the Appointment.
You will be prompted to enter a reason why you are declining the fixture, which will be provided as a note to the Appointments Officer. In addition, you have the option to click a checkbox to set yourself as unavailable for the date of that fixture. Click Decline to confirm you are declining the fixture.
If you decline a fixture you have been appointed to, an email will be sent to the Appointments Officer notifying them of this.
Viewing Accepted Appointments
Tap View My Appointments from the home screen to see all accepted appointments, or tap the Menu icon then select View My Appointments. Just like reviewing appointments, you have the option to select a list view or a calendar view.
Viewing Declined Appointments
To view a list of all the appointments that you have declined, tap the hamburger menu in the top left corner.
Then tap Declined Appointments.
You are unable to accept an appointment if you have previously declined it and will need to contact your Appointments Officer if you declined a fixture by mistake.