All vehicles need to be signed into an event to race although a safety audit may not be required. A safety audit is required when:
- A safety audit has not been completed on the vehicle in the last 2 events
- A safety audit has not been completed on the vehicle in the last 6 months
A safety audit is required for every 10th vehicle signed in on the device. Or you can choose to manually select to do the audit.
Conduct a Safety Audit
All conditions on the vehicle need to be cleared, only then will the vehicle have a green traffic light with the sign-in icon. If signing in offline, the safety audit can be completed even if a condition is on the vehicle record.
- Click the green traffic light.
- If the vehicle does not require a safety audit than the technical official will get prompted to do a safety audit, or can select "Safety audit not required". Note: If a vehicle requires a safety audit, this message is skipped and the inspection form will open.
- Complete the required fields on each page and click Next. Note: If an inspection point is failed, a comment is required before being able to proceed.
- On the final page, click Next to summary
- Review the application as a whole once completed.
- Press Save to complete the form
Once Completed
Once the safety audit has been completed and all points are passed, the sign-in icon will disappear from the green traffic light.
If any inspection points are failed, an issue ticket will automatically be logged and the traffic light will turn yellow.
Note: The safety audit inspection points are configured by the event organiser and may have different questions per event.