Each person recorded in your SuperCRM has their own profile which contains their contact information, registration information, relationships and financial information and more.
To learn more about what is contained within each person profile, please click here.
In this article:
- Add a person
- Edit a persons profile details
- Add documents to a person's profile
- Add a person as an organisation contact
- Add tags
Add a person
You have the option to +Add Person in the CRM to create a new person. You can then assign registrations, notes, calls, and emails against this person.
1. Click + Add Person.
2. Enter their known information. Those marked with an * must be entered to be able to create the person.
3. Once you have entered all known information, click Save. If saved successfully, you will see the below screen.
Edit a persons profile details
If you need to edit the details of a person, you can do so from the SuperCRM.
1. From the person's profile, click the edit pencil.
2. Edit the fields of the person as required.
3. Click Save once the specific fields have been entered.
Address Field
The address field has been split into 4 fields: Street Address, Suburb, Town/City and Postcode.
When typing the address into the Street Address field, it will lookup the address in the database. Once you select the address, it will auto populate each field.
If you cannot find the address in the address lookup then it can be manually typed into the form.
If an old address has not been split into the sperate fields then this can be done manually by retyping the address into the street address field, and selecting from the list. Otherwise manual splitting of the address can be done.
The details modified on the person will update the person's existing registrations as per Person matching (SuperCRM).
Person Types
CRM Profiles also include a setting for Person Type. This distinguishes between active & inactive individuals.
By default, all profiles will be set to Current. Any administrator viewing a profile can change this to Non-Current or Deceased as though they were updating any other field against the person.
Add documents to a person's profile
1. Go to the person's profile and click the edit pencil.
2. The notes section at the bottom of the profile has a tool bar. Click the paperclip icon to open the file attachment utility.
3. Select the files you want to attach to the specific person's profile, then click Save.
4. The attachment will display as shown below under Notes.
Adding a person as a contact for an organisation
If a person conducts a role or is a representative for an organisation you can add them as an Organisation Contact. When a person is defined as an Organisation Contact, by default, they will receive email communications sent to the organisation. Any contact made with the person will appear on the person’s Timeline, as well as the organisation’s Timeline.
1. Click + Add Contact to an Organisation at the bottom of their person profile.
2. The Organisation Contacts form will appear. It is pre-populated with the saved person’s details, but you can also enter different values, like email address. This is especially helpful is the person uses a different email address for their organisation and for their personal use.
3. The End Date is used to identify the final date that the person is identified as a representative for the organisation.
In most instances, this will be left blank. You can edit this at a later date as required (if for example, an AGM is held and the person is no longer the organisation’s secretary).
4. Click the Organisations field to drop-down the organisations that are populated in your SuperCRM Organisations tab. Select the organisation that the person is associated to from this list.
5. Click Submit.
The person will now appear as an Organisation Contact on the person profile.
To send an email to the person relating to their organisation affiliation, click Email.
7. Click the edit pencil to edit the Organisation Contacts form, and to modify the contact information for the Organisation Contact.
8. Click the trash can icon to remove the person as a representative for the organisation. This acts in the same way as adding an End Date on the Organisation Contacts form.
Add tags
Another way of grouping people (in addition to grouping by registration values) is to apply a tag against a subset of people. Tags are created in Settings. You can filter people by this tag later.
Please see this article for further detailed information on tags.
1. Apply filters as required to reduce the number of returned results.
2. Select those records from the returned list you want to add a tag to.
3. Click Add Tag.
4. Click a tag from the drop down to to select it. The tag will display as below.
5. After selecting the tags you want to apply, click Apply.
6. A confirmation message will appear, click Proceed.
7. Your view will refresh to show the selected tags against the record.