Click the Organisations tab to view a list of your organisations. By default, your own organisation will appear at the top of the list, with organisations you have created, or those that you have inherited, displayed below.
The Organisation dashboard functions in much the same way as the People dashboard.
To find a specific Organisation, type the Organisation name into the search field, then click the search icon. A list of records that match your search will display.
The list of organisations can also be filtered to reduce the list of returned results.
Create New Filter
1. Click the Filters icon top left
2. Select Create New filter
3. A list of all available options will appear.
4. Apply one or more filter options to narrow the list of returned results in the metrics calculations.
8. Select Save Filter if you want to re-use this filter in future. If you like, you can rename the filter by clicking into the textbox and entering your required filter name.
Click Save. If you did not choose to save the filter, click Apply.
Select a Saved Filter
Click on the radio button next to each saved filter to select the filter you wish to apply, then click Apply.
Delete a filter
Click the Rubbish bin button to remove the current filter. Your view will change back to the default filtered list.
Set a default filter
Click on the Default star icon to change the default filter, then click Apply
Remove a filter
Click the X button to remove the current filter. Your view will change back to the default filtered list
Add Organisation
You have the option to +Add Organisation in the CRM to create a new entity. You can then assign notes, calls and emails against this organisation.
1. Click Add Organisation.
2. Enter fields as known.
3. Click Save.
Add Tag
A great way of grouping similar organisations is to apply a tag against a subset of organisations. You can filter organisations by this tag later. Tags are added in Settings.
1. Apply filters as required to reduce the number of returned results (See Filters).
2. Select those records from the returned list you want to add a tag to 0.
3. Click Add Tag.
4. Click an existing tag to select that tag, it will change to green
5. After selecting the tags you want to apply, click Apply.
9. A confirmation message will appear. click Proceed.
10. Your view will refresh to show the selected tags against the record.