The Sporty platform lets you send great looking, professional eNewsletters that are easy for people to read on computers and phones. Once you have created and distributed your eNewsletter, you can review your eNewsletter send history to determine what was sent, and to who.
To access this tracker, click Send History.
This will open a window displaying all eNewsletters you have sent in the past 30 days. You will be able to see the following information for each eNewsletter.
- The time and date the eNewsletter was generated to be sent
- The Subject of the eNewsletter
- What user sent the eNewsletter
- How many emails were recipients of the eNewsletter.
Note: If the eNewsletter could not be sent (for example, the total intended recipients exceeded your fair use limit), the "Recipients" column will display "N/A". eNewsletters sent prior to this feature being enabled in July 2022 may also show N/A recipients.
You can modify the date range filters as required to view older historical eNewsletters.
Note: Open and click rates are not captured in eNewsletter reporting. We explain why here, and outline how you can track click-through rates to monitor eNewsletter engagement.