SKED allows you to add default settings for each of your grades, such as the duration of a game and the size of a venue. For grades that share the same setting, they can be added in bulk with Bulk Edit option. Whenever you create a new competition, these settings will automatically be used by default, but you can change them locally within the competition if you wish.
Note: Ensure changes to Grade Defaults are saved before navigating away from this area.
1. Go to your Organisation Settings.
2. Click the Grade Defaults tab.
3. If your organisation has multiple sports, you will see a drop-down box asking you to select the sport you want to view grade defaults for. If you only have one sport, this sport will be automatically displayed without you needing to select anything else.
Click the Select Sport drop-down to choose the sport you want to view the grade defaults for.
4. Select the sport.
Note: only sports that your organisation have been set up for will be included in this list.
5. The grade defaults will display for the chosen sport. If you only have one sport, this will be the view you automatically see when you navigate to the Grade Defaults area.
Add settings or modify existing settings to individual grades or use Bulk Edit to modify grades sharing the same settings, then click Save.
- Grade
The grade names cannot be changed within SKED. They are inherited automatically from the grades added to forms used for creating competitions. Refer to related support article
- Total Game duration
For a fixture to be created in SKED, there must be a game duration added to either Grade Defaults or Phase Settings.
Set the usual total playing time of a game for each grade. Game duration can be broken down into 1, 2 or 4 periods of any number of minutes. Having the number of periods set to be included in the total game duration will enable scores submitted via a Scoring App to be recorded in periods e.g., a half time and fulltime score.
Note: Periods must be recorded in whole minutes. I.e., they cannot be set to e.g.,12.5 minute halves.
The change-over time or down-time expected between games or during a game can be recorded as a separate value set as the Time between games and will be included in the Total game duration calculation. Time between games will include the ¼, ½ and ¾ time breaks if the game is set to contain more than one period.
Note: Total game duration determines the total amount of time that a game occupies a venue and when the following game can be set to start
- Preferred venues
Some competition organisers want certain grades to play at set venues. Alternatively, games may be played on a home/away basis, where teams play at their ‘home ground’. For each grade, either nominate which locations or venues are preferred or set as Home/Away.
- Venue size
For grades that play on a reduced size venue, these can be set as half, third, or quarter. SKED will auto-assign the number of fixtures as set to a full sized venue. Refer to: Small Size Games
- Preferred times
Select the preferred start time(s) of games for each grade. (e.g., 10th grade games all start at 9am). For grades containing more than one section, the preferred times can also be modified in Comp Builder when generating the draw if required.
- Show in ladder
Some competition organisers do not wish to display a standings table. For example, junior grades where the focus is on participation rather than results. Show in ladder will be automatically ticked on for all grades, and can be unselected for non-competitive grades.
- Points template
The points template determines how points will be allocated for games per win/draw/loss for the purpose of calculating the standings table. There are several templates available to choose from. See the list available in Organisation Settings > Grade Defaults > Points Template. If you require a different template, please contact Sportsground.
When a points template is changed mid-way through a draw, the new template will be applied to all fixtures including games that have already been played.
- Ladder Calculation
Ladder calculation will determine how teams are ranked in SKED standings. Options are Differential, Percentage and Differential (H2H).
Advanced Options
- Team that wins by default scores
When a status of a fixture is recorded as defaulted, a score can be applied to the winning team which will automatically update the standings for/against/differential or percentage.
The score will automatically populate against the fixture and will not assign game events to players.
Refer to: Set a final score to automatically populate against defaulted fixtures.
- Team that loses by default scores
When a status of a fixture is recorded as defaulted, a score can be applied to the losing team which will automatically update the standings for/against/differential or percentage.
The score will automatically populate against the fixture and will not assign game events to players.
Refer to: Set a final score to automatically populate against defaulted fixtures.
- Teams per draw
Often the number of teams in a grade requires the grade to be split into more than one section. The Teams per draw value will determine how many teams will populate each section when using the Go icon to place teams in sections.
- Teamsheet required in App
For organisations using a Scoring App, if ticked on, a team scorer must submit the team sheet before the game can be started/scored.
- Allow game day players
If a grade allows people on the day of the game to participate, tick the checkbox to enable this.
Refer to: Game day (walk up) players
- Disabling players from higher grades playing down
By default all players from all grades, higher or lower, are available to be selected in team sheets. This can be turned off by unticking it for each grade.
Refer to: Preventing Players Playing Down