All players must be approved by a club administrator to be eligible to play on a team. As players register they are approved by the club administrator. If a player has previously registered with another club that is different to the one they are currently registered with, they club administrator will be prompted to initial a transfer. A player can only be registered with one club at a time.
In this article:
Approving a Player
A player can be approved through either Online Registrations or TeamBuilder.
Online Registrations
All players who registers will appear in Online Registrations with the status of Pending. This status will remain as Pending until a club administrator approves their registration. This will change their to Active, or if a transfer is required, will invoke the transfer process.
From the Dashboard, click the Online Registrations tile and navigate to the folder with the Softball Registration form for the appropriate season.
Click the Softball Registration form to open and view the database.
Click the + button beside the players record to approve their registration.
Repeat this process for all players that you wish to approve.
You can filter the database to only view players who are Pending. To do this, change the filter set for Status.
Any player who registers will appear in TeamBuilder will be highlighted in red with an ! beside their name. This status will remain as ! until a club administrator approves their registration changing this status to a tick. Each player needs to be approved before being eligible to play.
1. From the Dashboard, click the TeamBuilder tile and navigate to the Softball competition for the appropriate season.
2. Click into the appropriate team.
3. Click the !.
4. Click Make Active to approve the player.
5. Once approved the player will no longer display in red and will display a tick beside their name rather than an !.
Managing Transfers
All information in relation to transfers can also be viewed and further exported if required.
Requesting a player transfer
The system identifies if the person registering has previously registered to a different club in the last 5 years (sixty months) and therefore requires a transfer. This can be done through either Online Registrations or TeamBuilder.
Online Registrations
To request a player transfer, click the + button as you would to approve them as shown above in Approving a Player.
Instead of approving the player, a notification will alert the club that the player is registered with another club, prompting the club administrator to request a transfer.
1. Click + button beside the player.
The system will prompt you to request the transfer as shown below.
2. Clicking Request Transfer will email the club the player is currently registered to to a transfer request. Click OK.
When the player has had a transfer requested, their status in Online Registrations will display as Transfer Pending.
Once the player has been approved, their status will change from TransferPending to Active.
Online Registrations before and after
1. Click the ! beside their name as you would to approve a player as shown above in Approving a Player.
2. Click Make Active. If the player requires a transfer, a message will display. Click Make Transfer to begin the transfer process.
4. Then select Request Transfer.
5. Click Email Request to notify the club of which the player is currently registered with that a transfer is being requested.
Note that, once a transfer has been requested (through either Online Registrations or TeamBuilder), the status of the player in your database will display as Transfer Pending. This is displayed in both Online Registrations and TeamBuilder as shown below.
When the player has had a transfer requested, their status in TeamBuilder will be displayed by a ! as further action is required.
When the player has been approved, their status will change from a ! to a grey tick to show that this player requires no further action.
TeamBuilder before and after
If you are the club receiving a request to have a player transferred from...
The club that the player first registered with will receive a Registration transfer request email similar to below. This email will be sent to all database administrators of the club. (Note: Any of these database administrators can approve/decline the transfer. To check who at the club has database admin access you can check this via Admin Settings.) The club administrator will click the View registration link which will prompt them to login to their site.
When the club administrator logs in, they will be asked to decline or approve the transfer.
If clicking Approve Transfer, a comment may be added regarding the transfer and its approval. Click OK to continue.
Approving transfer request
If clicking Decline Transfer, it is mandatory to enter the reason the transfer request is being declined. Click OK to decline the transfer request.
Declining transfer request
Once the administrator has approved/decline the transfer, an email is then sent back to the club that requested the transfer to notify them that it was approved or declined.
Important: If the home club of the player fails to take any action within seven days, the transfer request will automatically be approved.
If the player has been transferred, their status will be updated to transferred on their old club as shown below.
Note: If the club has more than one database administrator any one of the admins can approve/decline the transfer.
If you are dissatisfied with the response from the home club, please escalate the matter to your softball association.
Levels of Transfers
Club to club Transfers
When a player wishes to transfer to a club belonging to the same association their previous club belongs to, the transfer will only require the approval from the original clubs' administrator.
Inter-Association Transfers
Should a player wish to transfer to a club belonging to a different association, the transfer will now require approval from both the original club administrator & the association transfer administrator.
Both admins will be notified of the transfer request, and the approval/denial from the other administrator. Should either administrator deny approval, the entire transfer shall be prevented.
As with standard transfers, failure to take action within seven days will result in automatic approval for the transfer.
To set an association transfer administrator, go into Dashboard > Admin Settings. Add their email address to the Transfer Email field and click on Save.
Viewing Player Transfers
Player transfers – summary view
To view all transfers in your club or association, go into Online Registrations, then click the transfer icon located next to your player registration form.
This opens the player Transfers/Clearances summary view. That shows the status of all pending and completed player transfers for your organisation in that season.
By default, when you land on this page you will see records in a 'Pending' state because they still require action. You can click on the dropdown to modify the 'Transfer Status' and change the display to show 'Accepted,' 'Declined,' or 'All' records.
You can also Export the transfers.
When you click the Export link you are prompted to enter a date range. This lets you refine the time period.
The player Transfers/Clearances summary view is colour coded to make it easy to see what portion of the player transfer acceptance process still needs to be completed.
The player name appears first. Click the player's name to see a detailed view of the players transfer.
All organisations impacted by the player transfer request are listed.
- The name of the organisation will appear in Green if transfer approval is still required
- The name of the organisation will appear in Red if transfer/clearance/permit was declined
- The name of the organisation will appear in Black if they do not need to take any further action
The transfer status is also colour coded to show:
- Pending transfers in Green (action still required)
- Declined transfers in Red (transfer/clearance/permit request declined)
- Accepted transfers in Black
Player transfers – Detailed view
Clicking a player name will take you to the detailed view.
Shania Forrest having received full transfer approval
In addition to the information provided by the summary view, the detailed view will display the name of the administrator who gave approval for the transfer and date the approval was given. If no name is displayed, this indicates approval was provided automatically.
If the transfer is still awaiting approval by your organisation, you can action the transfer from the detailed view by clicking Decline Transfer or Approve Transfer buttons.
Note: You should only approve a transfer if the club the player is transferring to has met any transfer requirements as specified by your parent organisation.
A confirmation prompt will be displayed upon clicking Approve Transfer. A comment may be added regarding the transfer and its approval. Click OK to continue.
Approving transfer request
A confirmation prompt will be displayed upon clicking Decline Transfer. It is mandatory to enter the reason the transfer request is being declined. Click OK to decline the transfer request.
Declining transfer request