NZ Rugby is shifting online registrations from Sporty to the Rugby AU Xplorer App.
What does this shift actually mean for rugby clubs?
The main changes for rugby clubs are:
- People will need to use the Xplorer App to register with NZ Rugby.
- Clubs must use Xplorer to enter teams into competitions.
When must we start using Xplorer?
From Oct 2024 NZ Rugby registrations will open in Xplorer.
Do we have to change our website?
No. You can continue using your website, web forms, eNewsletters and other web services from Sporty. However, Sporty will no longer automatically update the national NZ Rugby database for you. People will need to use the Xplorer App to register into the national NZ Rugby database.
We have years of historical data in Sporty such as member databases, payment history and other data that does not belong to NZ Rugby. Can we retain this in Sporty?
Yes. You can keep your own club data in Sporty and use SuperCRM member management if you wish. However, Sporty will no longer automatically update the national NZ Rugby database for you. People will need to use the Xplorer App to register into the national NZ Rugby database.
Will our historical registrations automatically appear in Xplorer?
We understand data relating to official NZ Rugby registrations will appear in Xplorer automatically. Other data such as payment history and the answers to questions you’ve added to your own forms in Sporty will remain solely within Sporty.
Will Sporty cost our club more once NZ Rugby has shifted to using Rugby AU for registrations?
No. Pricing from Sporty remains unchanged, including the free version that provides club member management, website builder, online registrations, eNewsletters and club mobile apps.
If we decide to shift our club website to Xplorer, will all our historical news, documents and page content be transferred for us?
No. If you decide to shift your website from Sporty to Xplorer you’ll need to manage the transfer of your own history and content.
If we decide not to use Sporty for anything at all, can we delete our databases and historical content from the Sporty platform?
Yes. Please notify Sporty by email to that you wish for this data to be permanently deleted from the Sporty platform. Please be aware that you will not be able to recover this data and content later if you change your mind.
We’ve tried a website from Xplorer and decided Sporty is better. Can we shift from Xplorer back to Sporty?
Yes. However, if your data and content on the Sporty platform was permanently deleted, you’ll need to recreate it. You can engage Sporty to do this for you if you wish, but a fee may apply.
Can we use Xplorer for sports other than rugby or for club holiday programmes, events or other activities?
No. You’ll need to use Xplorer for rugby and use Sporty for your other sports and/or activities.
Who owns Xplorer?
Rugby Xplorer is owned by Rugby Australia (Rugby AU).
Why have many rugby clubs in Australia decided to use Sporty or other website platforms instead of Xplorer?
Clubs are allowed to make their own choices regarding the systems and software used for club websites, social media, accounting, email, and member management. Your club can weigh and balance the differences between different systems and decide what is best for your club.
Who can we contact if our club has other questions?
Please contact and one of our awesome NZ based team will help you. You can also find online resources at the Sporty Support Centre or simply login to Sporty and ask SportyAI.