Using Google Calendars is one of the easiest ways to create calendars to share with your viewers.
If you do not currently use Google Calendars and would like to learn how, view the following tutorials from Google:
If you currently have a Google Calendar and would like to embed it on your site, follow these steps:
Go to and sign in with your Google account. Then head to your Google Calendar page.
Click on the cog icon in the top right hand corner, then select the Settings option.
Once in your settings, click on the calendar that you wish to share on the left hand side. This will bring up a page of settings specifically for this calendar.
Scroll down this settings page to the Intergrate Calendar section. Copy the link under “Public URL to this calendar”.
Next, navigate to your website. Click the Add Content button.
Select the Embed (iFrame) widget from the Widget menu.
(For more help using the Embed (iFrame) widget, Click Here.)
Paste the copied calendar link into the Address box. Choose the iFrame size and click Save.
Your calendar will now display on your website.
Agenda View:
A common preference is to display the calendar in Agenda view, rather than Month view.
To do this, select the same settings cog that is outlined above, select the Customise button.
From here, select the drop-down called "Default View" and select "Agenda".
Once this is selected, scroll to the top and copy the new iFrame embed code that will be generated. Copy the instructions above that explain how to display this on the website.