Generate a letter or document that is personalised to show a specific person's details using merge fields. You can use this feature to generate printed mail merges or generate printed registrant profiles.
The process in Sporty
Create a Word Document Letter Template
1. Open Microsoft Office Word.
2. Add the generic body text of the letter, and add any images.
3. Copy and paste in any merge fields (a list of fields can be found below) or create new merge fields yourself.
4. Save the file to your computer.
Standard Merge Fields
Below are some of the Standard merge fields you can use to copy and paste into your letter template.
Only copy the <<text>>.
- First Name: «First name»
- Last Name: «Last Name»
- Maiden Name: «Maiden Name»
- Person ID: «Person ID»
- Email: «Email»
- Gender: «Gender»
- DOB: «Date of birth»
- Ethnicity: «Ethnicity»
- Secondary Ethnicity: «Secondary Ethnicity»
- Phone 1: «Phone 1»
- Phone 2: «Phone 2»
- Postal Address: «Address»
- Registration Form Name: «Registration Form Name»
Registration Form Merge Fields
To create merge fields for questions contained on your registration form:
- Open your word template, and click where you want to place a merge field
- Select Insert from the Ribbon taskbar
- Select Quickparts, then Field from the text options.
- Select Mergefield from the field name options
- Enter the text as it appears on your registration form, eg: “What is your preferred position”
- Select OK, and the merge field will appear in your document.
Generate a Personalised Letter
1. Filter your SuperCRM to the person or people that you want to generate a letter or document for - see this article on Creating a Filter, or you can manually select the specific contacts.
2. Click Contact
3. Click Create Letter.
4. A dialogue box will open. Click Upload Template to open your file library and select the word document letter template that you prepared earlier.
Note: you may need to change the file type in your file library to "All Files" if you cannot locate the word document.
5. Once you have selected the file from your library, it will display.
Check on "Select additional data fields" if you want to display question responses from a registration form on your document. Select your registration form.
6. Click Generate. You will see this prompt if the document generation was successful, and a download of the file will begin. Click Ok after you receive this message to clear it.
Note: The file will be generated and saved based on your system settings - the file may automatically begin downloading, or you may first be asked where to save the download.
7. Open the file that downloaded to review it. The merge fields (if used correctly) should now consist of the personal information relating to each specific person. See the example below for reference.