Reordering the Menu
While editing the site, click on the pencil icon to the right of the menu. Select Reorder Menu.
Moving a Page
You also have the ability to move pages to different levels on the menu (e.g., main page, subpage, or sub-subpage), apart from the homepage which is set as a main page. For more information on homepage features, please refer to this article.
To move the position of a page, hover over the desired page item until the edit pencil appears. Click on the edit pencil and then, click Move.
To re-position your page under a different subpage, click the Position page under the dropdown button and select the page.
Note: If you want your page or subpage to be moved to the main menu, select on Main Menu.
To change the order of your pages on the menu, click the Position drop down button and select its desired position.