Sporty has an intuitive website builder which uses widgets to let you insert and arrange content. There are many different widgets to choose from that allow you to utilise various media, including:
- Text
- Images
- Buttons
- Newsfeeds
- Facebook Feeds
Widgets, containing content, can be arranged on the page by placing them in Sections.
By default, new pages have one section. The image above shows an empty section set to a two-column layout, as there are two spaces to insert widgets. The +ADD CONTENT buttons allow you to insert a widget at that point.
If you do not want this two-column layout, you can change it by selecting the cog icon to the left of the section.
Clicking the cog icon produces the screen shown below, where you can choose a new layout. Simply select the layout you want to use, then click Save.
You can now start populating your section with widgets.
Additional sections can be added by clicking on the +ADD SECTION button at the bottom of the page. This functionality allows for highly customisable page layouts.
Note: VIP subscriptions have access to an unlimited number of sections only on the home page. On all other pages they are restricted to ONE section per page, and ONE widget deep. This means that you must choose the section layout that best suits your needs - using a single-column layout will only allow you to have one widget, whereas a four-column layout will allow up to four widgets (one per column).
For non-VIP sites it is common to utilise a two-column layout, with the main body text on one side, and an accompanying image on the other. VIP subscriptions can have unlimited content on all pages.
The page shown above is utilising two sections. The first is a two-column, one-quarter-three-quarter layout that has an image widget on the left, and text widget on the right. Underneath this is another section, which has a three column layout. One button widget is placed in each column.
Notice that you can add more widgets to the sections - for example we could have another row of buttons by clicking on the +ADD CONTENT buttons where we would like to insert them.
Widgets are not confined to their sections. They can be dragged into any section on the page! Using this same layout, we can experiment by dragging the widgets to different areas on the page. To drag a widget, click and hold the small arrows button on that widget. When you are dragging them, green boxes will appear where the widget can be placed.
At the bottom of your page you will see a section with +ADD FOOTER CONTENT. This section can be used just like any other section on the page, where the section format can be set, and different widgets can be added. The Footer section differs from any other section however, as the same content will be displayed on every page of your site. See this article for more details.
Also see: