The Profile tab displays all your personal information. This information is used to automatically populate licence and event applications.
Your profile photo should be a head-to-shoulder image, this will be reviewed by MSNZ and if unacceptable will be deleted. This image is used for your digital licence.
When your profile is first created, only your name and email will be entered automatically. You will need to complete the remaining information either by clicking Edit Profile or by completing a licence application.
To update the information via the Edit Profile option, click Edit Profile.
This will open the record for fields to be modified or for information to be added.
Note: Changing your email on your profile will not automatically update your login to this email address. Please see this support article for further instructions.
A preferred name can be added to the persons record, which will then be displayed within their name.
To add a preferred name to a record, enter the name into the Preferred Name field and click Save.
Once saved, the name will then be updated with the Preferred Name displayed.