The draws & results for most team sports in New Zealand are managed using the competition management system from Sporty called 'SKED' (sked is the international abbreviation for schedule).
The Draws & Results widget lets you easily display your draw on your Sporty website. Anyone visiting your site can then see your upcoming games and past results, similar to this:
In this article:
- Adding the Draws & Results Widget to your Sporty Site
- Configuring the Draws & Results Widget
- Public view of the widget
- Match Centre Modal
- Configuring the Draws & Results Ribbon Widget
Adding the Widget to your Sporty Site
1. Login to your Sporty site, decide where you would like to display the widget, then click +ADD CONTENT.
2. Select the Draws & Results widget option.
Alternatively, display the Draws & Results Ribbon widget.
See below for examples of how each option displays.
Draws & Results Widget - Example
Draws & Results Ribbon Widget - Example
Configuring the Draws & Results Widget
Set the Draws & Results widget settings to reflect what you would like to display to visitors on your site.
Filters tab
Click each field dropdown to select the specific settings. You can filter on the following..
- Select which Sport/s you want to include in the widget.
- Only sports that your organisation have been set up for will be included in this list.
- Select which Seasons.
- You can select a maximum of three seasons.
- Select which Region/s you want your filters to include.
- Select the Owner/s of the competitions.
- Select which Competition/s to display.
- Select which Organisation/s involved in the competition you want to include.
- If you only want to display the fixtures that your organisation played in, only tick your organisation.
- Select the Grades you want to include.
Tick the Hide Filter checkbox beside each filter to remove the option for the public to modify the widget.
If new grades are added to a competition displayed on your site, after the competition has been published, the new grades will need to be ticked on in the widget settings to be visible for the public. Click the settings cog against the widget when logged in to your site to make the changes.
If you are including multiple competitions to be displayed in a single widget, click Set Sort Order to order the competitions that appear in the dropdown competition picker on the widget.
The competition at the top of the sort order will display by default when the page loads.
Click the drag handle to re-order the displayed competitions.
Click Done.
Display tab
Use the Display tab to format how you would like the widget to display on your site. Tick or untick select options to modify your widget.
Tick the Match Centre Text checkbox to display Match Centre on the Draws and Results widget. This gives the website viewer the option to open the Match Centre, alternatively they can click anywhere else on the widget to open this display.
To display fixtures in time order, select Group By Time.
Style tab
Use the Style tab to set the colours of the widget to align with your site/organisation.
Click Save.
Display of the Draws & Results widget
The website visitor experience
- By default, when a visitor lands on your page, the widget will load the draw with the date set to display fixtures for the next upcoming published fixture date + 6 days, and submitted results from the last published fixture date that has a result entered back 6 days.
- Venues will appear with a hyperlink to allow website visitors to click to open a Google Maps view of the location of the fixture. The location is determined by the venue settings set up in SKED under Organisation Settings.
- Fixtures with a status of defaulted, cancelled or postponed will display this status instead of a venue.
- Standings will be presented for each grade as tabs for each phase it has participated in and by default will open to the phase that is currently in progress based on fixture dates with the ability to navigate between tabs to see prior phases standings tables.
Organisations can modify the logo displayed by accessing their own Sporty site, and then navigating to the Admin Settings area and adding a logo.
The public display
- Fixtures tab
- Results tab
- Standings tab
Fixtures tab
If you are not logged in as a Results Manager, your view will be as shown below. The Results Login tab will be visible and scoring a game directly from this screen is not available.
If you are logged in as a Results Manager your view will be as shown below.
1. Fixture location: Click the text to open Google Maps with the location loaded.
2. Team logo: Clicking either teams logo will open the Match Centre modal.
3. Score: Clicking the score will open the Match Centre modal.
4. Score Game: ** this will only display if you are logged in as a Results Manager.
Match Centre Modal
- Info tab
- Lineup tab
- Timeline tab
- Score Summary tab
- Score Game tab** (if logged in as a Results Manager)
Info tab
View information about the specific fixture. The date and time of the fixture, the location, the competition and grade which the fixture is played in, the section of the competition the fixture is being or was played in, who the officials are, and any public notes.
Lineup tab
View the submitted game day players for each team, including game stats.
Timeline tab
View at what minute of the match specific game events occurred and which player was responsible. This relates to events such as game start, points scored and penalties.
Score Summary tab
View an overview of the points scored during the match by either team at each phase.
Score Game tab**
If you are logged in as the Results Manager, you will see this additional tab in the Match Centre.
Add the score into the field provided for both teams and update the status. The status options include; Confirmed (set by default), Win by default, and lose by default. Add any comments you wish to share with other Results Managers from your organisation, these remain private otherwise meaning the other team won't be able to see it.
Results tab
If Match Centre Text is ticked during the configuration of the Draws and Results widget, Match Centre will display on the right of the fixture. Click this to be taken to the Match Centre Modal.
Standings tab
Configuring the Draws & Results Ribbon Widget
A Draws & Results Ribbon is for showcasing certain grades in your competitions. Ideally you would limit the number of grades appearing in the ribbon to no more than 5.
Choose the position on your website to display the Draws & Results Ribbon. We recommend at the top of a page in the Header Section using Full Screen Width.
1. Open the header settings.
2. Tick the Full screen width checkbox.
2. Click Add Header Content
3. Identify in the list of widgets, or search for draws in the space provided.
Select the Draws & Results Ribbon widget.
Filters tab
Select the Sport, Season, Competition and Grade.
Note: Only one grade can be added at a time. The grades can be re-ordered once all have been added.
Click Add Competition. This will add the competition allowing you to re-order or delete as necessary.
To add another grade or another competition to the ribbon, select the Competition, Organisations and Grade then click Add Competition.
If you have added multiple, they will appear as shown below. Re-order the display by clicking and dragging the competitions into the order you desire.
Display tab
In the Display tab select the content to be displayed in the ribbon
Style tab
In the Style tab choose site colours to style the ribbon as required
Click Save
Interactions for website visitors
To change the grade displayed, visitors can click the arrow beside the grade to see the next grade set up.
To change the fixture displayed, visitors can click either arrow to the left or right to change which fixture they are viewing.
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