A location is a physical address on a map where one or more venues are located. For example, the address of some netball courts is a ‘Location’ whereas each individual netball court is a venue. Similarly, the address of a park with playing fields is a location while each field is a venue. Locations and venues tend not to change very often, and you may only need to do this once. Use the following steps to set up your locations and venues.
In this article:
Add a Location
1. Click + Add Location
2. Add a Location Name and Name Abbreviation.
3. If this location can be shared with other organisations associated to your organisation, tick Share location. For more information about shared locations/venues, click here.
4. Enter the Location Address.
5. Click Save if you are finished, or continue the set up of the location by adding a venue or venues.
Add a Venue (or venues) to a Location
1. Select +Add Venue to add the venues situated at the location.
2. Enter the Name of the venue. For example, Field 1.
3. Enter the Name Abbreviation of the venue.
This is used in the publication of your draw when there is a shortage of space, such as on a mobile phone screen, for example F1, Ct 1.
4. Select the size of the venue.
The default size is full, but if the venue is non-full-size it can be used to host non-full-sized fixtures for example a half size venue can host one half or two quarter size fixtures.
Options to select the venue size are as displayed below.
5. Select the Sports that can be played at this venue.
Clicking the drop-down will display a list of all sports. Select a single sport, or multiple sports that can be played at this venue.
Note: only sports that your organisation have been set up for will be included in this list.
6. Click Save to save the new venue. If the location has multiple venues, repeat the process from step 1 noted above, clicking + Add Venue.
7. Once all venues have been added to the location, click Save to save the location and venue.
Modify, Delete or Re-order Locations or Venues
Click the settings cog beside any location or venue to modify its settings.
Click the trashcan icon beside any location or venue to delete it. If a venue is in use in a current competition, fixtures will become unallocated if the location or venues is deleted.
Note: Locations and venues should not be deleted if they are required for use in future competitions. Instead, they should be excluded from the grade default settings as a preferred location or venue. Deleted locations/venues cannot be re-created using the same name.
To change the order of locations in the Venue view and in an export of the draw when sorted by venue use the drag handle that appears next to each location and venue to drag & drop it into a different position.