This article includes:
For information regarding Locations & Venues, click here.
Shared Venues
A venue may need to be shared with other SKED users to allow for the venue to be booked by other competition administrators. Sharing the same venue will ensure that clashes are identified and a venue can be used to its capacity. The owner of the venue controls whether a venue can be shared or made available to other SKED users.
First, go to your Organisation Settings.
Sharing a Venue with another Organisation
The owner of the location should select the Share location check box next to the venue name. The shared location will now appear for selection by other organisations in the Locations & Venues tab.
Using a shared venue in your competition
1. Select Shared Locations from the Locations & Venues tab. All shared locations nationally will be available for selection.
2. Select the checkbox next to the location you wish to use in your competition. All venues assigned to that location will now be available for allocation of fixtures in your competition (pending availability).
3. Shared locations will be listed alphabetically beneath your own locations and venues in Organisation Settings. They will appear without a settings cog or trashcan option.
4. The shared venue can now be added as a preferred venue for an organisation, grade, or team.
Rugby Only: If you have selected a team from another region and included them in your competition, you need to ensure that their preferred venue has been selected as a shared venue in your competition for their home and away preferences to be applied in draw construction.
Sport Specific Venues
You can assign a venue a sports code, therefore your venue will only show to those identified codes. For example, if you only have netball courts and you identify your organisation as only being available to netball, your venue will only show when a competition relates to netball. Any other sport will not see your venue as an option.
1. Click the settings cog beside your organisation name in SKED.
2. Beside the location you want to indicate only a specific sport can play, click the settings cog.
If you are adding a new location, please follow steps from 4.
3. Beside the venue, click the settings cog.
4. Click the field shown below to open the list of sports to select from.
5. Select all sports that can be played at this specific venue. In this example, we are only selecting the sport of Netball.
Note: only sports that your organisation have been set up for will be included in this list.
6. Click Save to confirm your decision. In this example, venue Court 1 at the Taradale Courts location can only have the sport of Netball played at.