To get started, click + ADD CONTENT.
Select the Image widget from the Widget menu.
You are presented with the option to add an image. You also have the option to display different images specifically for display on Mobile devices. If you do not set images for Mobile display, your Desktop images will automatically be displayed.
Click + Add Image to add an image.
You can now select an image already uploaded to your site, or you can import new ones by clicking Upload an Image. Select the image you wish to be displayed and click Save.
Your image now appears with 2 icons above it:
Click the Delete icon to remove the image.
Click the Settings Cog icon to apply a caption or set a link against the image when displayed on your site. When a user clicks the image, they will be directed to the link you have set.
Alternatively, click Advanced Options to add one or two linked buttons to display on top of your image. You can also choose to style and apply a Text Overlay on top of your image.
Click Save to apply your changes.
Modify Image Display
Two other tabs are available to help modify how your image will be presented, Layout & Display.
Since photos often come in different aspect ratio proportions (such as portrait 6:4, landscape 5:7, or square 1:1, etc.) Layout allows you display differently proportioned images in consistent proportions on your page. Choose from four defined aspect ratios; portrait, landscape, square, and panorama.
The selected aspect ratio will automatically fill to fit the column width available to it, and the image will be scaled to fit the column width.
Because images come in many different proportions, you can choose how you want the system to fit your image within your previously selected aspect ratio as follows:
Scale: Reduces the size of your image so that it fits within the constraints of your selected layout. Note that this applies to the pixel dimensions of your entire image, including any borders or transparent areas.
Crop: Causes your images to be cropped to fit within the constraints of your chosen layout. For example, if you have uploaded an image with a portrait aspect ratio but then selected a landscape layout, your image will be automatically cropped at the top and bottom to fit within the space available.