Grades need to be assigned a Level that corresponds to the officials levels.
Choose a level (1-6) for each grade.
Levels are competency based, so a Level 1 official is the most highly qualified, and can officiate a Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 level fixture. A level 3 official is qualified to officiate Level 3, 4, 5, 6.
Click Save
You can now set what roles are required to be assigned against each grade. If minimum is set to 1 or more, this role will appear as an option to add an official against in the fixtures screen. When filtering by "Not Appointed" fixtures, any fixtures where the minimum requirement for officials has not been met will be displayed. If minimum is set to 0 the role will not display.
If maximum is set to more than 1, when you are assigning or editing official appointments, the maximum value for that role will appear in the drop-down list of available roles, allowing you to assign multiple people to the role if you wish.
Click Save
Note: The selection of roles for a grade will not be saved if the grade has not been assigned a level. An error message will be presented alerting you this.