When a registrant fills out a form, a person record of the registrant is also created with the answers they have submitted. The question types on the form help differentiate how the information/answers are handled in the database.
System fields
System fields relate to information that will be used to create the person's profile. These are the information used to check on duplicates and person matching (in cases where the same person is filling out multiple forms). First Name, Last Name and Email, will be greyed out as they will automatically be included on the form. These 3 fields cannot be deleted.
- Maiden Name - Use for asking the registrant's maiden name (if applicable).
- Date Of Birth - Use for asking the registrant's date of birth.
Gender - Use this to display gender options. By default the options are Male/Female. You can tick on Include Non-Binary to add this third option to the selection.
- Ethnicity - Use for asking the registrant's Ethnicity. There are broad categories of Asian, Maori, NZ European, Other.
- Ethnicity Selections - If this field is added, when a person selects an ethnicity category, Ethnicity Selections can be displayed. For example, if Maori is chosen, the Ethnicity Selections display the full list of Iwi and up to four Iwi can be selected.
- Secondary Ethnicity - Many people identify with more than one ethnicity. Adding the Secondary Ethnicity field enables people to choose their second ethnicity.
- Secondary Ethnicity Selections
- Photo
- Address - The address field uses Google places verification. When you start typing an address it is auto completed including the postcode.
- Postal Address - This option is available if you want to allow registrants to add a postal address different to their physical one
- Phone 1 (Mobile/Main)
- Phone 2 (Home/Alternate)
- Parent/Caregiver 1 First Name
- Parent/Caregiver 1 Last Name
- Parent/Caregiver 1 Phone
- Parent/Caregiver 1 Email
- Parent/Caregiver 1 Address
- Parent/Caregiver 2 First Name
- Parent/Caregiver 2 Last Name
- Parent/Caregiver 2 Phone
- Parent/Caregiver 2 Email
- Parent/Caregiver 2 Address
- Next of Kin First Name
- Next of Kin Last Name
- Next of Kin Phone
- Next of Kin Email
- Job Title
- Drivers license - Specific field type where you must enter 2 letters followed by 6 numbers which is a NZ drivers license format, e.g. BJ378394.
- School: Student ID
- School: ID
- School: Enrolment Date
- School: Year Level
- School: Tutor/Form Class
- School: Leaving Date
Custom fields
Custom fields are additional fields that you can add to the form. The selection lists the type of answers you would expect from the field. For example, selecting the Date option would present the registrant with the date picker when they fill out the form, or if you select the Email option, the answer they provide would have to be in the correct email format, e.g., janedoe@mail.com.
The information here will not be used for person matching, so you can use these fields to gather additional information e.g. Occupation.
DateOfBirth is also a custom field option. This is because you may want to collect the date of birth from someone other than the registrant on the form. For example DOB of a parent attending an event. Take care when using the Custom DateOfBirth field. It should never be used to collect the date of birth of the primary registrant. You should always use the System DateOfBirth field to collect the date of birth of the primary registrant.
- SingleLineText - Use when you expect people to type a short text answer such as a word or short sentence.
- MultiLineText - Use when you expect people to type a longer text answer such as a longer sentence or paragraph.
- SingleChoice - This allows you to set options that will display in a drop-down list, where people can only choose a single option from the list.
- MultiChoice - This allows you to set options that will display in a drop-down list, where people can choose one or multiple options concurrently from the list.
- Yes/No - Use for yes/no questions.
- DateOfBirth - Use for asking date of birth (which exists in the past).
- Date - Use for asking for a date in the future.
- Address - Use for addresses. This field will auto-complete as the person types. their address.
- Email - Use to ensure the person enters a validly formatted email address.
- GradeList - If grades have been configured for your form, use this field to display the list of grades as a drop-down list.
- TeamList - If teams exist for the grade selected from the GradeList (above), use this field to display the list of grades as a drop-down list.
- Gender - Use this to display gender options.
- Document - Lets a person attach/upload a document with their completed form, such as a birth certificate.
- AddText/Information - Lets you simply add text to display between fields, such as to display an explanation or instructions.
- Checkbox - Displays a tick box.
- Additional Photos - Use if you want people to upload additional photos associated with their details, e.g. photo of passport.
- Attendance - Use when you want to track attendance for an upcoming event. Displays like a tick box. See this support article for further info on attendance tracking.
- Time: a number field for hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to be entered using the format of hh:mm:ss:xxx. Hours and milliseconds are optional.
- Distance/Height: a number field for whole and decimal numbers up to three decimal places to be entered.
- Individual Event: any grades set up within TeamBuilder Grade Attributes that have been identified as an Individual Event will appear in this field automatically if this field is added to the form.