A deposit will be required upon submission of registration for any paid events. If this deposit is not made, registration will be unsuccessful.
There are five deposit options available from the payment cart screen.
- Full (100%)
- Half (50%)
- Minimum (10%) - Default
- WINZ (10%)
- Oranga Tamariki (0%)
By default, the minimum 10% deposit will be selected and required payment automatically calculated.
To change what deposit you are to make with your registration, click the drop-down option where Minimum - 10.00% is noted and select the appropriate deposit option.
Note: $3 is the minimum acceptable amount for any payment in Sporty. If your minimum payment would be less than $3 (e.g. 10% of $10) then it will, instead, be set to $3.
If Oranga Tamariki is selected, complete the submission of the from by selecting the Pay Later option.
If you would like to pay a custom amount that is more than the minimum deposit, enter the amount you wish to pay into the space provided as though you were making a partial payment.
The minimum deposit calculated will always be for the total value of all products in the cart and includes any previous payments made towards the registration.
For example...
On Monday, Steve registers to an event that costs $100.00. Steve chooses to pay a half deposit of 50% of $50.00.
On Tuesday, Steve updates his registration and adds an addition event that is $10.00.
The total value of Steve's cart will now be $110.00 ($100.00 from Monday, $10.00 from Tuesday).
A half deposit of $110.00 is $55.00. As Steve has already paid $50.00, he is required to only pay an additional $5.00 to secure his registration. Note that Steve would also have the option of changing to a minimum deposit (10%). As this would already be fully covered by his initial 50% deposit, no further payment would be required.
Person types and deposits
Youthtown also has special interactions between deposits and Person Type classifications.
For a further information around Youthtown Person Types, click here.