Read this article to learn about the features of TeamBuilder for Clubs and Schools.
This article includes...
- Searching & Filters
- Export TeamBuilder Competitions
- Team Entry Cut-off and Player Selection Cut-off dates
- Number of People
- Competition and Teams Drop-down
Navigating to the TeamBuilder tile from the Dashboard will open the TeamBuilder landing page. It will look similar to what is shown below.
To learn more about TeamBuilder, click here.
Searching & Filters
The top of each year has a search filter, and a toggle to show all competitions or to show only those that are open for entry.
By default All competitions will be displayed.
To search, click the magnifying glass and enter the name of a sport or registration form (ensuring Show All competitions is toggled on) and all matching competitions will display.
The toggle allows you to filter the display to either show All competitions or to show only those competitions that are Open for entries (open for team entries i.e. that the Team Entry Cut-off date hasn't been reached).
- If the toggle is set to All competitions, it will display every competition that is available to the organisation.
- If the toggle is set to Open for entries, it will filter the competitions to only show ones that have an open Team Entry date. If the Team Entry Cut-off date has been reached, the competition will not display. If a competition includes multiple grades with different Team Entry Cut-off dates, the grade with the earliest date to reach cut-off is what determines whether the competition is visible when Open for entries is set.
Export TeamBuilder Competitions
If you are an organisation that only enters teams into competitions run by other organisations, i.e. a school entering a regional competition organised by an association, you can export a report that contains all the teams your organisation has entered in to all competitions available to you.
To export a CSV file of selected competitions within TeamBuilder, click Export. This report allows you to see a consolidated view of all competitions and teams that your organisation has entered into.
Select the Season and the Competition (or competitions) that you wish to export then click Export Teams.
The export file will look similar to the below example with the following data displayed.
- Sport
- Superform Name
- Team Entry Form Name
- Club/School Name
- Grade
- Team Name
- Team Id
- Governing body
- Regional body
Expand Competitions
To view competitions associated to the organisation noted, click the comps drop-down.
Team Entry Cut-off and Player Selection Cut-off dates
The dates displayed are for whichever grade within the competition is to reach the Cut-off date first.
For example, Boys Tournament may have 3 grades; Mixed, Senior and Junior. The Team Entry Cut-off dates could be as follows. Mixed - 31/10/2024, Senior - 1/11/2024 and Junior - 10/11/2024. The earliest Cut-off date is Mixed, therefore this date is displayed when viewing the competition in this display.
Number of People
This displays the total number of people with the role of Participant or Player that are in each competition.
Competition and Teams Drop-down
The number of competitions available to enter are displayed, as well as the number of teams entered into each competition. Click the teams drop-down to view the teams that have been entered currently by your organisation.
All teams entered will be displayed.
Click into a team to open the team view display.
Click into the competition name to load TeamBuilder.
If the Club/School can enter multiple competitions for the same sport through different organisations.
If for example, your Club plays in netball competitions with Central Otago Netball, Netball Upper Clutha and SISS Netball Association, your TeamBuilder landing page view will display similar to shown below.
The Competition Owner, i.e. Central Otago Netball, will be displayed as its own panel where when the competition drop-down is clicked, will display the competition that your Club can enter at this organisation.