Read this article to learn about the features of TeamBuilder for Clubs and Schools.
Team Entry Cut-off and Player Selection Cut-off dates
The dates displayed are for whichever grade is coming up for cut-off first.
Modify or Create a Competition (with or without access to SKED)
Clicking the + allows the user to create a competition from TeamBuilder. Click here for more information around adding a competition from TeamBuilder.
Number of people
This displays the total number of people that have registered to the competition and how many people are in each team at a glance.
Competition and teams drop-down
The number of competitions available to enter are displayed, and the number of teams entered into each competition at a glance.
If the teams drop-down is clicked and the box is currently collapsed, it will expand to show the teams that have been entered.
If the comps drop-down is clicked when the competitions are expanded, it will collapse the box to only show the next up cut-off dates and the total number of people registered to the sport.
Clicking into a team will open the team view display. Click here to find out more about this display.
Clicking into the competition will open the TeamBuilder tool. Click here to find out more about TeamBuilder for clubs and schools.